DIF Supervisor Election 2024

Actually, your phrasing betrays a contempt for those people
Why? Whats wrong with this phrase?
I am a jungle and desert person too.
What's wrong with "jungle and the desert"?
Don't you like rural areas?
Why is it hard to understand that there are people who feel much better outside of urban settlements?
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Why do think these earlier efforts failed?
Were some Dash-Users willing to lower there standart of living in the past for pushing DASH adoption outside of Europe or North America for several mounth?
I currently don't need to sell my workforce to the highest bidder.
To form a group of DASH Users from different countries who do and want the same would be better.
How many of DASH Enthusiasts are out there...?
Are you one of them?.... leave your hometown.... go to Africa/ Honduras / Argentina...?
Did they offer there manpower for a lower price just because to settle the transaction with DASH, Bitcoin or Monero
instead of FIAT?
I tried. https://www.h-o-h.net/
Maybe there are some more.
I did't find them yet.
In Germans main Second-Hand / classified ads there is only one guy who offers discount for Monero and Bitcoin - Payment:
a few others offer BTC-only discount .
only i do offer discount for DASH payment.

Do you offer your / goods /service / workforce with discount if you are paid with DASH?
Where is this offer? , Or why not,.... if you believe in DASH?
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But we do NOT have some sort of general "access to MNO
If the dif sells some parts or shares.
... they never sold something....?
and the liquidity is in USD?.... a regular Bankaccount?
not in running a MN ?
The dif got more than 2.000.000 USD in DASH and don't have there own MNO as a Dash reserve?

Yes i think that acting like a bank and give micro-Loans as DASH - Loans , in one specific region
(unregulated) makes sense.

Buying Softwarecompany-Shares doesn't make sense....
What the developer from the DCG don't do shouldn't be done.
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If you don’t understand that, then you’re certainly not the right person for the supervisor role IMHO.
Do you like to victimize yourself or others because you search phrases of non-native-Engish speakers in order to feel offended?
Maybe i did understand and answered on purpose that way.
If my mindset is the wrong within the DASH-Community,
then i know now what a have to search for in a Currency-Community.
One of the other 10 possible Communities out there.

Speaking perfectly English isn't needed, at that places, the DIF should be active.... in Person
Yes, the DIFs Course need a switch ..... away from office dress code.
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Just on first glance:
https://aboutcircles.com/ = Euro-Stablecoin - something-Stuff?.... i would take it only for free and dump it fast as i can towards a more free System.
so, not interessting to me.
https://encointer.org = The concept sounds much smarter.

The approach could be copied by the DASH Community.

But first , before i would spent more time and work on preparing such a Proposal.
I personaly would want to see that MONs stop funding Joels (the_desert_lynx) Proposals.
Some Budget would be unspent than.
That could signal that a majority want a change for the direction of DASH.
First, the MNOs have to realise the following:
Stop giving Budget to People who are currently living in the EURO-ZONE, the USD-ZONE, BRICS

The hardest Question is: Where on this Planet instead?
in my opinion ...
one out of the 50+x Rank of this List
I didn`t noticed any preferred country among the DASH-Community.
The message to Budget_Proposal benefitaerians would be clear:
Move House to keep your income out of the DASH-Block Subsidy.
unpaid DIF Members (FirstWorld to ThirdWorld Connectors) excluded.
one or two (out of 6) should be willing to go to the "DASH-Camp" too.
So what countries are the best 3 in your opinion?
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Just on first glance: https://aboutcircles.com/ = Euro-Stablecoin - something-Stuff?.... i would take it only for free and dump it fast as i can towards a more free System. so, not interessting to me.🤓
https://encointer.org = The concept sounds much smarter.
The approach could be copied by the DASH Community.

The approach is copied by the Dash Community.

Vote for the Encointer proposal, it is in the budget now.

Were some Dash-Users willing to lower there standart of living in the past for pushing DASH adoption outside of Europe or North America for several mounth?
I currently don't need to sell my workforce to the highest bidder.
To form a group of DASH Users from different countries who do and want the same would be better.
How many of DASH Enthusiasts are out there...?
Are you one of them?.... leave your hometown.... go to Africa/ Honduras / Argentina...?
Did they offer there manpower for a lower price just because to settle the transaction with DASH, Bitcoin or Monero
instead of FIAT?
I tried. https://www.h-o-h.net/
Maybe there are some more.
I did't find them yet.
In Germans main Second-Hand / classified ads there is only one guy who offers discount for Monero and Bitcoin - Payment:
a few others offer BTC-only discount .
only i do offer discount for DASH payment.

Do you offer your / goods /service / workforce with discount if you are paid with DASH?
Where is this offer? , Or why not,.... if you believe in DASH?

OK, so you don't have answers to any of my questions. Got it.

leave your hometown.... go to Africa/ Honduras / Argentina...?
Sorry, but no. That makes no sense I have my family and lots of friends here in my hometown, a rich social life, my job that I love, a condo I own - I'm not going to throw everything in the wind to go proselytize what you call "jungle / desert people". I'm also self-aware enough to realize that I know nothing about Africa/ Honduras / Argentina that would enable me to accomplish anything there. A trait you apparently lack.

I do think developing countries make a lot of sense for Dash and I would listen to you more if you had some sort of track record in those countries, solid connections there with influential locals or at least a realistic plan how to make it all happen. But what I see is, you haven't even done any research into Dash's history in those regions, and your best idea is to ... pay 3rd world influencers with DIF money?

I made my vote.
pay 3rd world influencers
influencers or farmers! .... so literally people who really sell something more than just Hope.
The current DASH"Influencer"Marketing Budget, goes to Networking-Talks on sofas :ROFLMAO:
This "Digital-Cash-Show" is mainly paid by DASH -Buyers which just trade or hodl and don't have a MNO.

Usually this kind of "marketing" should be done by the prize-Chart of a coin.
Or at least growing usage in a destination with expected Trade surplus.

compete with the USD at the East Coast of the United States?!! -> Good Luck DASH.
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I have my family and lots of friends here in my hometown
So you actually don't need DASH then?
It is not a tool for you , a must have....
It is investment and speculation for you?
Why on earth would somebody with a perfect Trackrecord as Trader oder Investor work for free in a "Fund"-Company
to increase your wealth?
you have family and lots of friends in our hometown. (and a save Environment i guess)
-> you don't need my help, right?
This "Digital-Cash-Show" is mainly paid by DASH -

Actually, he also gets income from referrals and sponsorships and to my knowledge those payments are not public and verifiable like his dash income.

MNOs are stupid to continue giving him money,, falsely believing his presence is essential. He's a delusional amateur that is blindly happy to project conformation bias. Or does he secretly control a very large cluster of masternodes? - he's not very transparent with that either.
@vazaki3 do you know Alain Brenzikofer in Person ?
We have not meet in real life, and of course he does not know who I am. He tried at the beggining of our acquaintance to make a videoconference with me, but I refused. Because anonymity is my number one piority. On the other I am in constant communication with him, public communication and private one. And the design of the DASH Basic Income is the fruit of our cooperation.

Brenzi is my friend, similar to the masternode owner (I dont reveal his name) who gave me his masternode vote without knowing me, in order for me to be able to vote into the Dash budget.

A friend almost like @xkcd , who trusted me more than anyone, and gave me a bash shell account in mnowatch.org without knowing me in person.
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Or does he secretly control a very large cluster of masternodes? - he's not very transparent with that either.

Are you talking about @thedesertlynx ?

He probably controls a large cluster, maybe that is why he is against any kind of proof of personhood for the masternode owners (this method forces the masternodes to vote wisely in fear that they will lose their reputation, and reveals the agents) . He even rejects a proof of personhood that respects anonymity, like Encointer is. I suspect that he may control this cluster from Texas, but I am not sure. I also tend to believe that a large cluster of masternodes that are controlled by the government, are voting in favor of him, similarly to the way they vote for the (agent controlled) DCG.

He claims that he lives on crypto since 2015.
Honestly, is this possible or just bragging?
Is he a government agent?
Or, is he such a naive so that his goals are aligned to the government's goals, that is why the agents are voting for him?
Look at him, does he look like the traitor or not?

We will never know.


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He claims that he lives on crypto since 2015.
Honestly, is this possible or just bragging?
Is he a government agent?
I suspect that is true, but somewhat stretching it to fit his internal and evolving world view. I think we all do that but it's somewhat tiring to hear the same old rhetoric when we know otherwise.

End of the day, here is someone regurgitating the same old shit while, now, simultaneously justifying MICA licenses. Quite the turnaround.
not in running a MNO ?

MNO stands for MasterNode Owner, i.e. a person. No, we don't keep serfs at the DIF. ;) We don't run any MN either. We discussed it, but for now decided against it for three reasons:
  • We don't want to become a target for accusations of any conflict of interest because we could vote on our own proposals.
  • We don't want to become a target for accusations of diluting other MNOs income by siphoning more funds from the treasury than were granted to us by vote.
  • The majority of our liquid funds are currently providing a large share of the liquidity pool in the Maya protocol. Without this service for the community, the pool would likely be much less efficient.
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The governance cycle ended a couple hours ago and this concludes the 2024 DIF election. Rodrigo got re-elected. Josef didn't make it. We will publish a blog post with official results soon.

Thank you to the candidates and everyone who engaged with questions and votes!
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