DIF Supervisor Election 2024

a bot can be easily made
new bots will be born .....
having new bots is progress.
The imperial dark force have to build these bots....

Elon Musk says monthly fee for Twitter/X will combat ‘bot army’

So, maybe we need a fee on bot-voteing and not-voting of non bots !

🙃 Of course totally anonymous ... that nobody has the insentive to google and gather more information about these bots and there digpics on the internet.....
-> drawbacks of MNOs-anonymity are obvious
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Well, I think if certain people here are prepared to rationalize and defend KYC, travel rules and MICA licenses, then perhaps those same people should go through a KYC process to run masternodes.
So really, you just think about this one idea you have, believing it will somehow change everything. If that's so, why were your voting results so poor?

I've tried explaining this to you before, a bot can be easily made to optimize income, and / or provide conditional responses. In such scenario, what will you of achieved?
It failed because:
1. Apathy. Most MNOs don't vote. My proposal aims to improve this.

2. FUD, including from you.

3. Probable corruption, where the small group of voters support the small group of proposal owners, likely by selling their votes.

So what if some MNOs make a bot? Why should we be afraid of that? Do you seriously think enough of them will repeatedly defund DCG?

Things can't get much worse for this project than they already are. At all time lows versus bitcoin, #174 on CMC. Are you looking forward to missing out on another bullrun because you're afraid of making a change?

Why are you even still here, complaining day after day, yet you obstruct anyone who is trying to make real change? What is your big actionable idea to solve dash's problem?

Support my proposal or shut up and fuck off.
You got me wrong, there are just a few of us here that want changes on a scale you can barely imagine. The dash dao is at the core of those changes. HOWEVER, you need to understand that just because we seek charge, it doesn't automatically make your proposal correct or the catalyst for charge. Poor decisions are poor decisions regardless, and desperation cam certainly distract and corrupt what might otherwise be good intention.

My view on your proposal is simply based on the practicality of dealing with automation tools. No less than dash super whales intentionally laundering the behavior of their voting scripts in an attempt to obfuscate the scale of their operations.

Just ask Samuel Westrich how many masternodes he runs and he'll say "more than one", which is an evasive answer and a very unsurprising response from a geek. It's okay, he's entitled to assert financial privacy, as is others right to root out corruption.

Imo, you need to put down your ego and focus your energy to a smarter proposal. I am happy to support good proposals, whether that's from you or anyone else.
Samuel Westrich how many masternodes he runs
@GrandMasterDash @forro
11,65 DASH
file attached.

I thougt the password was
it is stored on a picture. Name of the file:

could be 1sobw2314 2sobw2314 3sobw2314
may be dash_ has to be at the front of the password.....

tried my best with hashcat...
seems that i am to stupid to use hashcat.

Good Luck :)


  • backu_history.txt
    3.2 KB · Views: 61
  • wallet.dat.txt
    964 KB · Views: 55
Can you please briefly explain what experience you have investing in businesses or managing funds, and do you think your idea to focus on areas in the world where Dash would be most needed (and/or least regulated) would create/grow demand even if those areas are relatively poorer, or economically isolated from the first world? Thanks.
Can you please briefly explain what experience you have investing in businesses or managing funds, and do you think your idea to focus on areas in the world where Dash would be most needed (and/or least regulated) would create/grow demand even if those areas are relatively poorer, or economically isolated from the first world? Thanks.
do you think your idea to focus on areas in the world where Dash would be most needed (and/or least regulated) would create/grow demand even if those areas are relatively poorer, or economically isolated from the first world? Thanks.
Yes, this is exactly what i think. (first part of the question is obviously obsolete than.)
Pablo Escobar did never "investing in businesses or managing funds" right?
But nobody would deny that he probably run the most successful "company" or organisation in South America in the late 80s and early 90s.
What do people really need in West-Africa..... -> basic needs ... easier to organize than some needs of Wall-Street Motherfuck....
fullfill needs off based Poor-People and connect it to a DASH-Transaktions....
easy as that.

Compete with the FED and the SEC in the USA in 2025 will not workout for DASH.

A assume that most of DASH or Monero Users hide there identities for a reason.....
First World:
Inflation hedge => Bitcoin
First World:
?????? => DASH ?

There is no use for DASH in the First World, currently.
Third World is the only Chance for DASH.
There is no use for DASH in the First World, currently.
Third World is the only Chance for DASH.
🤔 You definitely cannot say there is currently "no use" in the first world for useable and uncensorable sound money. But you may be right that there is more need for it and more of a chance for it to become adopted in third world areas or economically isolated countries. 💡 Are you aware of the past disappointments Dash has had from investing and granting funds to places like Venezuela? We should be very careful about allocating ANY of the DIF's funds into risky hopes for adoption to arise without having a solid understanding of how to succeed in those places. How confident do you feel about succeeding in investing in the third world, and how would you measure success? Which would matter more for a DIF investment opportunity: making profit, or gaining adoption and growing a local Dash economy?

"(first part of the question is obviously obsolete than.)"
No. Experience is extremely important for someone to be trusted to control the Dash network's funds and make important financial investment decisions.

"Pablo Escobar did never 'investing in businesses or managing funds' right?"
Even though Escobar was extremely financially successful, I would never ever trust that type of person to have control of DIF funds.
🤔 You definitely cannot say there is currently "no use" in the first world for useable and uncensorable sound money. But you may be right that there is more need for it and more of a chance for it to become adopted in third world areas or economically isolated countries. 💡 Are you aware of the past disappointments Dash has had from investing and granting funds to places like Venezuela? We should be very careful about allocating ANY of the DIF's funds into risky hopes for adoption to arise without having a solid understanding of how to succeed in those places. How confident do you feel about succeeding in investing in the third world, and how would you measure success? Which would matter more for a DIF investment opportunity: making profit, or gaining adoption and growing a local Dash economy?

"(first part of the question is obviously obsolete than.)"
No. Experience is extremely important for someone to be trusted to control the Dash network's funds and make important financial investment decisions.

"Pablo Escobar did never 'investing in businesses or managing funds' right?"
Even though Escobar was extremely financially successful, I would never ever trust that type of person to have control of DIF funds.
And why should i trust you?
Do you know how things in the Balkans work these days?
Have you ever been in a Post-War Area?
I give a shit on someones trackrecord as an investor.
Far more important is that i know his/her Face.... adress/house, Family.
Exchange of goods and services in the real World need real Trust.
There is no court you can go to if someone "rip you off"...
A court for failed DASH-toReallife-Goods Trades will never exist!
You know my face but i do not know yours!... So, why should i trust you?
I doubt there is anything like 1000 unique MNOs.
"rich" is a very subjective thing. If someone takes a loan to buy a masternode, are they rich or financially illiterate? I think there are plenty of people that could afford a masternode or a few, but the question is, who's inclined to do so? I can afford to buy them cash but I'm just not going to. I've faced this opportunity several times and in the end I decided against it.
Now imagine a global coordinated attack on a few hundred masternodes. It's one thing to run a full crypto node for ideologically reasons, but if you are putting money into a "criminal enterprise" then you can expect a harsher response from LE.
The masternode collateral requirements effectively put a cap on the total number of masternodes, making a complete takedown a lot easier at any price per coin.

Look, the main reason for Dash's misery, is masternodes' stupidity in voting.

We have only 3183 masternodes/validators in Dash, while other cryptos like Gnosis.io have 312273 and Etherium validators are 1081671

Gnosis collateral is just 1 GNO, thats why Gnosis succeeded.
Obviously the Dash masternode's collateral shoud fall to 10 dash, in order to compete Gnosis.io.
Why a newby should care to join a community of 3183 stupid, while there is a community of 312273 smart ones?

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The Question from @TanteStefana is actually pretty smart.

MNO who participate in the voting - process via dashcentral.org aren't anonymous anymore.
The serverowners of dashcentral know who voted how....
at least for the users who joined the discussion.

So the Dif has access to MNO votes right?
And all of the 3 other DIF Supervisors have access to MNOs too.
So: They know how they have voted each other, from another.....
and the others don't know.

So how you will vote @Sven ?
It looks like you fundamentally misunderstand a lot of things about what the DIF is and how it operates.

So the Dif has access to MNO votes right?

No, of course we do not.

And all of the 3 other DIF Supervisors have access to MNOs too.

If they happen to know some privately, maybe. If they are one themselves, then they'll know at least one. But we do NOT have some sort of general "access to MNOs". I don't even know if the other supervisors are MNOs or not. These are private matters and outing anyone, even if only among ourselves, has never been part of our internal discussions.

They know how they have voted each other, from another

No, we know as much as you do about voting behavior. We could scour mnowatch.org for hours to try and make some inferences, but we have better things to do. At least I do.

The serverowners of dashcentral know who voted how

They could probably link some MN addresses to DashCentral usernames. But to get commenting rights, you could be one of three groups:
1) a proposal owner (e.g. the DIF does not operate any MNs, but we have posted proposals)
2) an old user who registered before they implemented the restriction.
3) verified MNO, but you only have to prove control over one MN one time. If you own multiple MNs, DashCentral won't know unless you tell them. If you sold your MN and aren't actually a MNO anymore, DashCentral won't know unless you tell them. If you moved funds to a new MN, i.e. change the MN address, DashCentral won't know unless you tell them.

Long story short, DashCentral may have a bit more insight than the rest of us, but despite what its name says, they are NOT a central repository for all MN votes and their associated MNO identities

The main Task of the DIF is to outperform the
One-year government bond
, thats it.

IDK where you take that from, but nowhere has it ever been stated that the DIF's main task is to outperform one-year government bonds. That doesn't even make any sense.

The DIF itself isn't traded anywhere so it can't be compared to any bonds.

The DIF doesn't operate on a one-year time horizon, that woud make our work impossible.

If you meant the DIF should control the Dash price to beat government bonds, you may be surprised to learn how little influence on the Dash price we have. Our goal has never been to be some sort of market maker or to manipulate the market in some way. The limited amount of liquid funds we have available won't move the needle on the price anyway,

We have been operating on a mission to make Dash more usabie, expand the ecosystem, find new use cases, which hopefully will lead to more usage and with that ultimately to a higher price. We may also have profitable exit opportunities that give us more leverage. But many many factors influence price, most of which are out of our control. Our mission has been communicated since long before I joined. Of course you can feel free to steer the DIF into a completely different direction as supervisor, but don't be disappointed if you do come in and don't find any secret voting conspiracy or a magic "make number go up" button.

What did you do with that money?

We'll publish a year-end report soon. For now look here: https://www.dashinvests.org/portfolio-update/ No dramatic changes since then, since we're basically in hibernation mode.

But please, let's keep this thread focused on the election and the candidates. This is not meant as a place for Dash rants or general DIF updates. There are other threads better suited for that and if there aren't, open one.
But please, let's keep this thread focused on the election and the candidates. This is not meant as a place for Dash rants or general DIF updates. There are other threads better suited for that and if there aren't, open one.

Yes...we have two candidates


Lets talk about them, but in order to talk about them , the first question is: How much money DIF has right now?

I mean, I'll be careful who I will vote for, only in case DIF has a lot of money.
My main question to you, @Sven is:

Why the DIF candidates election is time-limited to one month vote?

My opinion is that a DIF candidate should be elected only in case he/she succeeds to reach a minimum percentage of acceptance (lets say 10%). It does not matter WHEN he/she will manage to acquire this percentage. So the DIF election should never end.

And of course, a DIF candidate should be immediately revoked, in case he/she loses his acceptance.

Sven's suspicious/stupid Election Process for DIF​

We will use the same process based on DAO proposals as last time. It worked well and using Dash’s own inherent system feels more natural than some external and most likely trust-based voting system.

As last time, we will not count No votes, this choice was discussed in the forum and explained in our last call for applications. Therefore, please do not vote “No” or “Abstain”! Your vote would be wasted. The three candidates with the most “Yes” votes will be elected.

And for what damned reason you do not count the No votes?????????????????????????

Balanced Ballot presentation at WFD 20171109 - YouTube
Has anyone ever tried Negative Votes? (researchgate.net)

Fascists, censors and extremists BASTARDS , the negative vote is a basic human right .
Whoever deprives me of this right must expect to face my wrath.

please .....

you dont care change anything, do you? Neither people care to vote about you, thats why DIF failed and Dash's price fell to the bottom.....
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I watched your video.

You're talking about changing the course of the DIF to a totally different direction, because investing crypto in regulated companies makes no sense. You want to focus on developing countries, potentially even invest in influencers from the 3rd world.

I do agree that Dash as payment system makes more sense for developing countries, but I'd like to hear from you why you think the DIF is the best vehicle to do that, how exactly you would make that happen as a DIF supervisor and what qualifies you to bring about such drastic changes. So far your stuff looks a lot like rants, but I see no real plan or substance.

Also, looks like you're unaware of Dash's history with that approach. Do you know we sponsored various projects in Africa, South East Asia and South America for a long time? Here are a few proposals for Africa:

There are several more if you want to dig into this. Note the payout amounts on those pages are listed at today's value. It was a lot more in fiat back then. Also there's bug on some of the early proposals that show 0 votes. These proposals were all voted in.

As for South America, just try: https://www.google.com/search?q=dash+crypto+venezuela Venezuela was pushed aggressively by DCG and paid out of DCG budget. There were additional proposals from other people for Venezuela and Columbia, maybe more I don't remember.

None of this went anywhere. We got some merchant acceptance, some media mentions, but no sustainable longterm adoption. Transaction counts remained low. No self-sufficient local community ever developed. The moment the external money faucet from Dash was turned off, it all collapsed.

How can you run on a platform of changing the DIF to the 3rd world and not address this at all? Why do think these earlier efforts failed? What would you personally do differently to make them successful?

Why through the DIF and not through your own proposal? What can the DIF do in Africa or Latin America? Be specific, what exactly are you going to do and how? You said investing in companies makes no sense. Then what? Spend DIF money to hire local influencers, is that your plan? AFAIK, none of the other supervisors have any experience or connection with developing countries. Do you? You live in Germany, right? Not exactly a 3rd-world country.

You were saying in your video "jungle / desert people are the target for Dash" and English is not useful there. Which "jungle / desert language" do you speak? Which influential local "jungle / desert people" do you know, who would help us make this happen? Would they be interested in Dash because of the opportunity for their country or because they get paid?

Actually, your phrasing betrays a contempt for those people you're trying to win over that will probably get in the way of accomplishing much of anything. I'd feel much more comfortable if such ideas came from someone within those communities, rather than from some white dude in Germany without any track record, who thinks he needs to tell "jungle / desert people" how they should run their financial system. Prove me wrong.
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