Recent content by tsngreen

  1. T

    Support for X11 mining available in yam M8a miner

    Here's a big question, where is the source code for this project? There's a thread from 2013 about a connection being periodically made between the user and Germany. I would like to see the source of YAM.
  2. T

    Hashing Speeds

    That seems really great, but then I started looking at costs: Hash Rate (KH/s): ~avg 10,000 Power(Watts Rec for 780 ti 250Wat per card): ~600 Watt PSU Power Cost ($/kWh): 0.15 Current Difficulty: 2765.38251685 Block Reward: 5.57 Pool Fees %: Lets say 2% or .02 DRK to BTC Conversion rate...
  3. T

    Support for X11 mining available in yam M8a miner

    As per the txt file: The only way this works is if I run a command prompt as administrator. Weirdly, the I-5 using YAM for Ivy bridge has no issues when I create a .bat file to start mining, however, the FX 6100 will not start with a .bat file. I'm forced to create a command prompt as an...
  4. T

    Support for X11 mining available in yam M8a miner

    Yes. I have 2 systems currently. 1) Geforce GTX 760 -- ccminer 1.5.2 & YAM @ 2 Threads 2) FX 6100 -- YAM 6 Threads, it works! :D Link:
  5. T

    Support for X11 mining available in yam M8a miner

    At work right now, I'll be sure to post it later this evening. As for setting memory management, I was having issues. On an AMD FX3100 6 core CPU with 8 Gb of Ram: threads = 6 mining-params = drk:av=0&m=3072 Output: Target OK Checking mining params [drk:av=0&m=3072]... Error: Parameter [m]...
  6. T

    Support for X11 mining available in yam M8a miner

    Trying it out right now, getting 368.7 KH/s with 2 threads on an i-5 3570 CPU. I've allotted 2048 memory, ( I have 16 gigs). I'm getting about 2020.0 KH/s from ccminer with Geforce GTX 760. Do you think I can up to 3 threads? Leave last for GPU? EDIT: Dashboard has diff values though. I...
  7. T

    Question: Headless Linux + NVIDIA Mining

    Hey, just seeing your comment now. I have it mining right now! Yay! Figured it out, apparently I had 1 letter in my command line that was off, maybe I'm a bit dyslexic. Confirmed that the 1.5.2 modded by tpruvot works for a Geforce GTX 760 at about 2000 KH/s. Not amazing, but puts my old system...
  8. T

    Question: Headless Linux + NVIDIA Mining

    Hey CarrionBlue, thanks for the input. You're completely right. I spent about 7 hours yesterday trying a ton to get it to work with Ubuntu 14.04 and Windows 7 & 8. No dice. As for the recommendation of 1.5.2 by tpruvot, well that worked much better. I actually got myself up and running for the...
  9. T

    Question: Headless Linux + NVIDIA Mining

    Hey thanks, I found: 1.5.37(sp-MOD) is available here: (7-feb-2015) Which looks like a modded CCminer eh? That's what you're using? What is your native OS btw?
  10. T

    Support for X11 mining available in yam M8a miner

    How does it compare with a Geforce Nvidia 760? I do like that it's available for x86.
  11. T

    Question: Headless Linux + NVIDIA Mining

    I have a semi-old computer I used to game with but am now too busy to play around. It has 16 gigs of ram, an I-5 with a Geforce GTX 760. I've spent about 12 hours scouring random websites, forums, reading guides but have yet to come across something written after the year 2014 with much...