Recent content by Tokenaires Network

  1. Tokenaires Network

    I want to start trading

    For Starters, I'd get on Coin Market Cap and Start with the top 10. We're also started a Directory at the Tokenaire Network where you can find upcoming ICOs. We also have a coin if you're interested I hope that helps, cheers!
  2. Tokenaires Network

    How do I buy Dash

    T thinks I seen some dash on binance, you can go pick some up there.
  3. Tokenaires Network

    The Birth Of Darkcoin

    This sounds so dark and mysterious!
  4. Tokenaires Network

    WTB Barriers to the Market

    One of my Biggest Pet Peaves when it comes to barriers to the market, deals with restrictions on advertising. Check out the youtube video I did on it it titled "Tokenaire Network: ICO Direct (The Invisible Hand)" Thoughts?