Recent content by ThirtySix

  1. ThirtySix

    Alt Thirty Six Outreach Through Proposal System

    Due to recent events, we have been advised to submit a proposal to the Dash network. We are not asking for funds, but the only way we could submit for a future month's proposal is through and this tool requires that you submit a request for no less than 5 Dash. If you...
  2. ThirtySix

    Proposal: Alt36 + Dash Payment Platform [15 Updates Included]

    Due to recent events, we have been advised to submit a proposal to the Dash network. We are not asking for funds, but the only way we could submit for a future month's proposal is through and this tool requires that you submit a request for no less than 5 Dash. If...
  3. ThirtySix

    UPDATED Pre-Proposal: Dash + Alt Thirty Six Sponsorship Marketing 2019

    At this point, given the existing proposals in Dash Central that will most likely pass and current available funds, we won’t be submitting this proposal for Nov voting. We’ll need to figure out our participation capacity with Andfriends in the meantime and ancicipate submitting the remaining...
  4. ThirtySix

    UPDATED Pre-Proposal: Dash + Alt Thirty Six Sponsorship Marketing 2019

    Apologies, I think the way I replied to your post, the first two answers got hidden. Please see bolded answers. 1. I was looking over the deck for the Weed Experience and noticed a number of A and B list celebrities mentioned. Could you elaborate on the capacity in which they will be...
  5. ThirtySix

    UPDATED Pre-Proposal: Dash + Alt Thirty Six Sponsorship Marketing 2019

    CannTrade is our first integration, we also now have registered accounts/customers, this is all in the 18 page document we put together for the network. We've never said we will stay in beta as long as we see fit. The beta process is being monitored over the next couple months. Monthly updates...
  6. ThirtySix

    UPDATED Pre-Proposal: Dash + Alt Thirty Six Sponsorship Marketing 2019

    The proposal has been updated to reflect the most valuable and upcoming sponsorship opportunity. We will submit the request for remainder on a later proposal voting cycle. *UPDATED* COST BREAKDOWN FOR NOVEMBER 2018 VOTING CYCLE CONFERENCE SPONSORSHIP + TRAVEL [The Weed Experience]...
  7. ThirtySix

    UPDATED Pre-Proposal: Dash + Alt Thirty Six Sponsorship Marketing 2019

    As far as we've been told, the network is not setup to retain equity in the business. We have asked this same question to see if this would be an option as we submit future proposals. An entity would need to be setup and structured to invest in the Dash projects. The current treasury system or...
  8. ThirtySix

    UPDATED Pre-Proposal: Dash + Alt Thirty Six Sponsorship Marketing 2019

    I believe your questions are answered on page 14. We will update the proposal today to show the proposal split up to deliver funding for immediate sponsorship marketing, specifically Andfriends project. We will then submit an additional proposal for the remainder and network can re-evaluate...
  9. ThirtySix

    UPDATED Pre-Proposal: Dash + Alt Thirty Six Sponsorship Marketing 2019

    At the time of building the platform we did not have access to the legal advisors that assisted in our most recent compliance review. We did research and review the grey areas of our business model prior to building, but it was not clearly defined. During the build of the platform, we were...
  10. ThirtySix

    UPDATED Pre-Proposal: Dash + Alt Thirty Six Sponsorship Marketing 2019

    We are absolutely willing to break up the proposal as the network gets to view the progress to determine funding on additional sponsorships for 2019.
  11. ThirtySix

    UPDATED Pre-Proposal: Dash + Alt Thirty Six Sponsorship Marketing 2019

    The Alt Thirty Six team has delivered on major deliverables and milestones. Any delays have been explained to the network and in more detail to Dash Core. The primary delay was going live due to legal and compliance reasons. Thankfully we accepted and listened to the legal advice to enhance...
  12. ThirtySix

    UPDATED Pre-Proposal: Dash + Alt Thirty Six Sponsorship Marketing 2019

    We’ve mentioned the beta process has just started. Transactions have been run but nothing substantial in a live environment. Those live scenario transactions have just started. The traction worth mentioning are register merchants, we are now focusing on live transactions and additional...
  13. ThirtySix

    UPDATED Pre-Proposal: Dash + Alt Thirty Six Sponsorship Marketing 2019

    We are focusing a large amount of our time on existing integrations and getting clients participating in the beta period. The conference sponsorships listed in the proposal are planned for all of 2019, broken up over 3 monthly payments. We are open to splitting this up in to more than 1...
  14. ThirtySix

    UPDATED Pre-Proposal: Dash + Alt Thirty Six Sponsorship Marketing 2019

    Yes your understanding is correct. All accounts have the option to auto convert or stay in Dash. This is a setting the account holder controls on our portal.
  15. ThirtySix

    UPDATED Pre-Proposal: Dash + Alt Thirty Six Sponsorship Marketing 2019

    We have put together a document that we hope addresses most if not all of the concerns mentioned in this thread, as well as messages that were sent over directly. We value the relationship with Dash, and believe we are at a stage where we now need to start sharing more information and clear...