Recent content by surgeo

  1. surgeo

    Can't get dash from paper wallet into Jaxx

    Super happy thanks so much for the help mc! Just got my dash into dashwallet :):):) was so worried I would never see it again :eek:
  2. surgeo

    Can't get dash from paper wallet into Jaxx

    Is it ok to use the android app 'dash wallet'? I don't care which wallet I use for the purpose of getting my dash to an online exchange as long as it is reasonably secure. Also is it best to scan the Q code (left side - WIF)...
  3. surgeo

    Can't get dash from paper wallet into Jaxx

    Firstly thanks so much for helping. Jaxx said 'error scanning private key'
  4. surgeo

    Can't get dash from paper wallet into Jaxx

    No I didn't encrypt with a passphrase. I just followed the instructions on screen moving mouse around and entering text into box.
  5. surgeo

    Can't get dash from paper wallet into Jaxx

    Can someone please help I'm desperate for these funds. I looked at the official dash wallet but don't see any way to import from paper wallet, any help will be much appreciated :(
  6. surgeo

    Can't get dash from paper wallet into Jaxx

    I used to create the wallet. The private key is in 'Wallet Import Format' but Jaxx won't accept the import. In addition to this my balance on the blockchain is showing "Not yet redeemed". What do I do?