Recent content by rion

  1. rion

    WAGMI conference, Jan 2025

    This article from Moxie is a must read regarding what the (or at least one prominent) Web3 problem is. As you already know apparently, the best thing you can do is really understand the problem you/we aim to solve. Personally I’m more...
  2. rion

    WAGMI conference, Jan 2025

    Sounds great, Sven. I think you'll be the perfect presenter to this audience. I'm happy to give you my thoughts on what Evo/Platform is and how it can be valuable to devs and entrepreneurs. Personally I think the (eventual) best value from Platform will be storing critical financial (DeFi)...
  3. rion

    what is going on with the incubator signup ?

    @gass-dash, very sorry for missing your Trello comment until now. Thanks for posting here. My focus in the Incubator has shifted to helping people submit their own independent proposals, as I've done with several people now. I'm happy to help with a proof of concept of whatever you'd like to...
  4. rion

    I think Dash needs some changes

    Yes, it happened. A lot has changed in some ways (and not a lot in others). As for this specific change, who knows if it's for better or worse, it's subjective. But regardless, I just wanted to say welcome back, if this is indeed you.
  5. rion

    Should a Dash-PIVX merger be explored?

    Yes. It would be a big lift for sure, but if we could pull it off it could make for a combined project that's bigger and better than the two existing separate projects. The conversations I've had with you and with the PIVX guys so far have been fruitful.
  6. rion

    Dash stable coin - DUSD concept

    Thanks for writing this up. It's a good idea to consider. I see two viable paths forward for Dash: 1. Make the DASH unit itself more stable (moderate appreciation). 2. Make the DASH unit more volatile (high appreciation + high depreciation) by moving stability to the DUSD unit. Personally...
  7. rion

    Utah Dash Conference 2023

    The economic changes I introduced in the retreat are, in part, to facilitate more resources dedicated to communication, marketing, business development, conferences, etc. Experts don't work for free. On the contrary, they demand high pay. Where is this pay going to come from? That's a real...
  8. rion

    Getting xpub adress from Dash Core Wallet

    DashCore doesn't (or at least didn't back in 2017) typically use xPubs. It's a so-called "just a bunch of (unrelated) keys" (JABOK) wallet. All the keys (both public and private) are accessible in your wallet.dat backup and can be exported using DashCore. Do you have your wallet.dat file?
  9. rion

    Has everyone forgotten why Dash has mining?

    I think you meant “nuanced”, not “nuisance”. But yes, our views are nuanced. Neither my statement nor @AgnewPickens‘ implies getting rid of mining completely right away. We’re all proposing to reduce it, like @xkcd said. You claim that infinite resources would be required to attack/break...
  10. rion

    Has everyone forgotten why Dash has mining?

    I’m more efficient using a vocal medium than text. I don’t have time to debate back and forth over text. My guess is you’re focused on a narrow, theoretical, technical resistance to state level attacks, and are not considering social attacks. Mining does not make a project resistant to state...
  11. rion

    Can I help with anything?

    I meant that in the context of full time work and focus, and just as a general observation, not as a moral imperative. Don’t read too much into it.
  12. rion

    Has everyone forgotten why Dash has mining?

    Come on Incubator Weekly. I’d be happy to give you a platform and have a friendly debate on this issue.
  13. rion

    Paul DeLucia, DCG Head of Research - Upcoming Interview

    Cool. Looking forward to it!
  14. rion

    Can I help with anything?

    @kot, has anyone mentioned anything that sparks interest? If not, do you see anything from your perspective that you’d like to help with? Usually people are most effective doing things they’re passionate or at least interested in. What’s “needed” is very subjective.