Recent content by NDB pH

  1. N

    meetup between DashCore Team and PundiX CEO Zac at CONSENSUS 2018 for Dash Branded xPOS and xPass

    Next week will be CONSENSUS 2018 May 14-16, 2018. May we request for Ryan Taylor, Fernando Gutierrez or Bradley Zastrow to please send an email to: [email protected] and request for a meetup with Zac Cheah, Pundix CEO at Consensus 2018 I think the Dash Branded xPOS and xPass will be a good fit for...
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    meetup between DashCore Team and PundiX CEO Zac at CONSENSUS 2018 for Dash Branded xPOS and xPass

    This is a good suggestion... in addition to funding Proposals for POS that can only be use in certain Regions only, Lets find out if we can have a mutua partnership and integration with PundiX for a Dash Branded XPOS and Dash XPass that we can use around the world to buy, Sell and transact and...
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    Negotiate directly with Payza to integrate Dash to their eWallet

    This is as news worthy as CryptoCapital and Coinapult which is not yet ready because they are still setting up live Dash key structure internally and they cant say exactly when this will be available according to Coinapult CEO in an interview with Anmanda. This is good timing IMO as our Dash...
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    Negotiate directly with Payza to integrate Dash to their eWallet

    Requesting Ryan or Daniel to contact directly Payza's global Executive Vice President, Firoz Patel and negotiate or offer to pay from our Treasury Budget the integration of Dash to their ewallet and if Charlie Schem is very busy with his new position at Jaxx Cryptokit, then we can request Payza...
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    Charlie Shrem joins Jaxx Wallet as Director of Business Development

    Hope Charlie Shrem will have time to honor his commitment to Dash about his Dash Branded Visa Card. May we respectfully ask Ryan Taylor to Followup the launch of the DashPay Debit Card from Payza. Thanks a lot...
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    Stellar & Ripple's 24 hour volume and % change may soon occupy the 2nd & 3rd in MarketCap

    the way i see it Ripple and Stellar founded by Jed MC Caleb, the Soft spoken Blockchain genius respected by peers and silicon valley as shown by his board of Directors, Fred Wilson and Marc Andreessen will join next when they need more funding. Ripple and Stellar will be number 2-3 marketcap...
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    Stellar & Ripple's 24 hour volume and % change may soon occupy the 2nd & 3rd in MarketCap

    By the end of May, Stellar Lumens will be the 3 or 4 in marketcap based on the daily Volume and % Change... Nem will be number 5 because it is heavily use in Japan. Dash have 12-20 Evolution Development Team so they have to fast tract the evolution launch date , unless we use evolution as a...
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    Dash Teams Up With Irish Blockchain Startup BitCart

    the discount of 20% is for the purchase of Amazon Giftcard which was discounted because this was bought in bulk by bitcart's supplier whose business model is to buy unused & forgotten amazon giftcards for 50% of the cost of the amazon giftcards. It doesnt give you a 20% discount when buying...
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    Stellar & Ripple's 24 hour volume and % change may soon occupy the 2nd & 3rd in MarketCap

    tellar's CTO, Jed McCaleb, Founder of edonkey2000, Overnet, Mt Gox, Ripple and Stellar. David Mazières, Stellar's Chief Scientist is a professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, where he leads the Secure Computer Systems Group. He received a BS in Computer Science from Harvard and...
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    How Private Is Dash?

    Evan was looking for a better Privacy technology and he likes shadowcash technology so he proposed to merge shadowcash to darkcoin: which was rejected by the darkcoin community
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    Buy anything with Bitcoin at BicCamera Electronic Superstore

    BUY ANYTHING with DASH at Yudobashi Camera all over Japan with 12% and no Consumption Tax!! Dash can be introduced to Japan at Yudobashi Camera which is bigger than BicCamera with more Store Branches all over Japan with 12% discount and no Consumption Tax , and use of NFC Tap and pay using TenX...
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    Buy anything with Bitcoin at BicCamera Electronic Superstore

    Actual Bitcoin POS using an iphone... the transaction processing happens in a minute... note: it takes a minute in these actual transaction because the cashier is not yet well versed as this is his first time processing a purchase paid in bitcoin as this was just launch that day, But now it take...
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    Picasso Software ATM

    Hi Community...Amanda interviewing the marketing Manager of General Bytes showing the Dash Customized GB BATM 2.0 is very welcome news and I'm sure it will greatly help. but it's still around $3200 including shipping plus the Dash atm operator compliance with the local crypto currency...
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