Recent content by methusaleh

  1. methusaleh

    Announcing my departure from Dash Core Group

    I did not realise how fully I appreciated all your efforts until I saw this post pop up on my phone; misinterpreted it as you leaving the Dash-verse entirely and appreciated what your absence would feel like. As with a handful of your colleagues you in a way ARE evolution after all :( you have...
  2. methusaleh

    Pre-proposal: AgroCognitive - An ultimate solution to bring Dash to the fields (First month)

    Two members of your team have the same profile pic in the team links, only 1 of you is over 25 yet terms like Consultant and Specialist are being bandied around and only 1 of you has a linkedin profile. This is effectively a start up by any reasonable interpretation and there aren't even any...
  3. methusaleh

    Chant Pre-Proposal

    Hi what research have you done to show this project will work at £2 per dl price point? That seems hugely expensive to me. I can see how you and the artists may be incentivised; not so much the users though?
  4. methusaleh

    Dash Core Group Q4 2017 Summary Call

    If watching 'the old greedy generation' strip is your thing Demo then I applaud your candour for sharing that here... not sure it will be much of a moneyspinner though
  5. methusaleh

    Proposal: Circus City Sponsorship

    Congratulations on a job very well done. Great feedback about different wallets on different OS in the field too.
  6. methusaleh

    Dash Watch Pre-proposal

    Easy yes from me Paragon you've shown yourself and your project to be well worth it I'd say
  7. methusaleh

    The Dash Foundation needs attention

    So is the Dash foundation still a thing or does this entity become null when we have a legal entity in Switzerland set up? The website looks really unloved and there don't appear to have been any meeting since the 10th of November last year either?
  8. methusaleh

    Pre-proposal: Let millions of Chinese investors on Huobi invest Dash

    Well then you Sir were wrong and my ignorance trumps your hubris ;)
  9. methusaleh

    Pre-proposal: Let millions of Chinese investors on Huobi invest Dash

    @huoibpro So what would it take to incorporate Instant Send? I'm not clear what makes this so impossible for you to do right now? If (or more likely when) this proposal is successful. I'm also mystified as to why no Dash / CNY trading pair so as others have asked why is that not on the table?
  10. methusaleh

    Masternode Operators: Sentinel Hotfix (Action Required)

    Thanks Flare I owe you guys a pint sometime ;)
  11. methusaleh

    Masternode Operators: Sentinel Hotfix (Action Required)

    I'm hosted with Moo so is this something that happens at his end via Dashman or will I need to do a start?
  12. methusaleh

    MNOs - Are you OK with DashIncubator backers supporting proposals?

    It's a risk, over and above all the other risks of crypto & MNO so doing it for free isn't realistic so yes I'm ok with remuneration. Perhaps 5 dash is a bit steep. Might it not be possible for the market to decide a fair price?
  13. methusaleh

    WTB Want small plot of land, USA SW / PNW for Tiny House

    Hi Rusty I hope you're getting somewhere with this a place in the PNW sounds like living the dream to me you can keep the southwest tho too damn hot for me
  14. methusaleh

    Pre-Proposal: Alt36 + Dash Payment Platform

    Agreed; exclusivity is essential here I think. 36 months is reasonable.
  15. methusaleh

    Pre-proposal: decentralized contract system on top of Dash

    Thanks yes it does answer my question. I really like the idea and I'm not currently seeing any insurmountable issues with the execution of it as yet. Erring towards a 'Yes' from me