Recent content by juliomoros

  1. J

    Stupids and Spies bought masternodes in order to stop governance.

    I like your answer, demo! It seems that you're working on the design of a system and dealing with all the troubles it involves. However, your improved procedure still has some safety bugs: 1.- If the public key does not hold the 1000 dashes, then anybody can issue several public keys and pay...
  2. J

    Stupids and Spies bought masternodes in order to stop governance.

    If I understood fairly well your answer, I can conclude 3 things: 1.- You agree that (in this case MN's) voting should be keept in secret. I agree with you. 2.- You belive that a "Credit Union" scheme will work much better than a traditional "Shareholders" paradigm. That's your politic...
  3. J

    Stupids and Spies bought masternodes in order to stop governance.

    Hi demo: The (Obvious [IMHO]) answer to your survey is NO. The reason is very simple: If you lived in Venezuela, Colombia, or any other country like these, and you possesed 1000 Dash (Or more) you'd become the perfect target for kidnapping, provided that your ID were available. (In Venezuela...
  4. J

    Stupids and Spies bought masternodes in order to stop governance.

    Hi Mr. Jim Your answers are helping me understand why this proposal FAILED. Even when it seems hard to obtain an explanation from MN, regarding your answer it also seems that what weights the most on MN desicion has been how well armored a proposal is against an agreement breach attempt. In...
  5. J

    Survey about Grassroots Crowdfunding System

    Hi demo What a very interesting answer! Your links have provided me so valuable info, that I had to digest and understand them. But now I understand some facts that happened that very day, that Amanda leave. I hate seeing propaganda and disinformation in the tech space, so the careless analysis...
  6. J

    Survey about Grassroots Crowdfunding System

    Hi Ms. Stefana Thank you for your answer. In your case, it is supposed to be a limiting question, because you voted YES! I made this mainly for MN who voted NO. I'm not related to Maritn. I was just courious to know why a so good proposal failed. It is sad to see this survey unanswered, but I...
  7. J

    Transaction malleability

    Every crypto-currency forked from the bitcoin's transaction architecture which has not implemented segregated witness is exposed to the risk of a malleability attack. (So, NO, Dash hasn't solve the problem on malleability attack) This is the risk that prevent cryptos to do the most needed and...
  8. J

    Survey about Grassroots Crowdfunding System

    In view of the results of the budget proposal of @martinrue ‏and taking into account that it represents a solution to the problem due to the increase in the cost of the 5 dash collateral, due to the success of dash, it is my opinion that it will be of interest of the whole dash community in...
  9. J

    Budget Proposal - Proof of Labour

    Let me see if I got you. Your main concern is to pay a debt in a deflationary system. Right? And I perceive, I feel that your concern is all about rate values between currencies. Right? So I see that your concern is: Why to introduce another money structure, with credit included in a...
  10. J

    Budget Proposal - Proof of Labour

    I see, you have a philosophical discrepance. By experience I know that it is the most hard subject to address, because is part of your convictions I do not pretend to change. But I think, in the paper is stated (Section 3, Monetary design) the money as a contract. As an agreement. I agree...
  11. J

    Budget Proposal - Proof of Labour

    I'm sorry stan, I got lost in the translation (English is not my strong point). I can see you are talking about what is referred as money in the peper, and something about digital communications. But I got lost. May you please rephrase your comment? Thanks!
  12. J

    Budget Proposal - Proof of Labour

    Absolutely agree, it is a crucial step. We are on it. Thank you for your concern dude!!!
  13. J

    Budget Proposal - Proof of Labour

    I agree, it is a very ambitious project. In every project there is a first stage to be developed, and it is the conceptual design. We wrote our proposal as a first explanation for the conceptual. By the other hand, the needed development budget dash community already have, as I understand it...
  14. J

    Budget Proposal - Proof of Labour

    I apologize for not being able to answer yesterday to your comment. Do you know what I think raganius? Your concern about any disruption over the dash tiers are the very concern of those who has being skeptical to the proposal. Specially a concern related to any disruption bringing "negative...
  15. J

    Budget Proposal - Proof of Labour

    I've been involving in the money design subject for about 4 years. In 2014 I tried to get involved in some community initiatives, but the political issues in my country limited a lot any kind of progress in this sense. The polarization on people here turn some knocking doors into slam in the...