Recent content by Johnnydemo

  1. Johnnydemo

    (Pre-Proposal) DASHPayCard - DASH Branded Debit Card + Fiat/Dash Integration

    I picked up a bitpay card a couple months ago and have not loaded it up yet.. it's hard for me to release crypto into fiat. The same would probably happen with a dash debit card, but I still would want one asap.
  2. Johnnydemo

    THis forum is quiet? WHere is everyone?

    Feel like I just walked in on a facebook thread
  3. Johnnydemo

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    I can't tell what's actually being said here. Are you Guy Fawkes or Anti-Dash?
  4. Johnnydemo

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    ABJ videos on youtube brought me here. I think DASH is one of those coins that always glimmered to me when I first got into BTC and crypto, and I never knew why. And I'm so happy it's still so cheap. I could see myself owning several hundred in the next few years :)