Recent content by jakehaas

  1. jakehaas

    P2Pool -- No Fee -- Low Latency p2pool node -- New York, USA

    This p2pool node is back with another server update! Updated to the newest core. Server is still located in New York!
  2. jakehaas

    PinIdea ASIC X11 Miner DU-1 (USB Version Hashrate 9 MH/s , Releasing in Mid-May 2016)

    Got them in the mail today! Just got home from work and going to have a fun evening setting up and playing with these bad boys... I'll post a more detailed update / review after I get them up and running. In the meantime... here are a few pics :)
  3. jakehaas

    P2Pool P2Pool repository and python modules

    thelazier I merged your commit for super-block budgeting into dash_subsidy and created a pull request to update the module on the main p2pool-dash repo:
  4. jakehaas

    P2Pool -- No Fee -- Low Latency p2pool node -- New York, USA

    Sorry for the delay! I've been on a family vacation... Updated now. :smile:
  5. jakehaas

    Install Dashcoind to ubuntu 14.04

    I'm not a systems expert, but I'll try to explain it the best I can. If someone is more knowledgeable about this, please chime in! There are two main types of libraries developers use when writing code: - Static libraries (usually .a in Linux) - Dynamic libraries -- aka dynamically linked...
  6. jakehaas

    Install Dashcoind to ubuntu 14.04

    If you want a little more info as to why: In Linux, UNIX and related operating systems, . denotes the current directory. Since you want to run a file in your current directory and that directory is not in your $PATH, you need the ./ bit to tell the shell where the executable is. So, ./foo means...
  7. jakehaas

    Sapphire 7950 3.0MH/s

    Try -k x11mod after swapping out the generated bin with Wolf0's.
  8. jakehaas

    P2Pool P2Pool repository and python modules

    I'll start looking at this tomorrow after work.
  9. jakehaas

    I did something yesterday with Dash I have never done with Bitcoin

    Congrats! I'm still waiting for my first block :) How long did it take you? and with how much hashing power?
  10. jakehaas

    P2Pool All P2Pool nodes list

    Fantastic work poiuty! Quick question: I'm trying to set up your node scanner here: but I keep getting warnings about geoip_country_name_by_name() not being able to lookup certain hosts e.g. geoip_country_name_by_name(): Host not found in...
  11. jakehaas

    ATTENTION: p2pool users and node operators!

    All you have to do is run: git submodule init git submodule update No need to specify the git repo, as it already knows where the submodules come from.
  12. jakehaas

    P2Pool P2Pool repository and python modules

    PatMan We are trying to get the official p2pool-dash repo up to date. We have a pull request waiting for eduffield to accept here: This pull request contains all the fixes/updates needed. Until that happens, the most up to date repo is...
  13. jakehaas

    P2Pool -- No Fee -- Low Latency p2pool node -- New York, USA

    Changed the user interface for Dash node!