Recent content by ilyass AJ

  1. ilyass AJ

    All you need to know about DASH in Arabic

    I will be much happier if the videos will be add to the youtube channel : Dash - Digital Cash
  2. ilyass AJ

    All you need to know about DASH in Arabic

    Hey dash community Check out our youtube channel in arabic , it contain a videos in arabic about what is dash and how its work also more info you will find there about DASH . Youtube channel : Let me know your thoughts . Regards Ilyass AJ
  3. ilyass AJ

    DASH Hub Africa: Pan Africa Expansion and Classic Conference+Merchants Drive (Exclusively DASH)

    You have done a great work to share the benefit of dash . Good to see you back. You are a hard working man.
  4. ilyass AJ

    Dash Watch Renewal Pre-Proposal April 15 2018

    Dash Watch helped dash community to know all about the project that's help us to stop the scammer .
  5. ilyass AJ

    8 Steps to a Successful Proposal

    thank you for the info
  6. ilyass AJ


    thanks guys for your support