Recent content by hfn64

  1. hfn64

    Darkcoin video

    This didn't get very far... If you hire me now I can produce the video within a week or two. Someone should just take control and organise everything, finalise the script, get a voice over, find any relevant graphics, hire a motion graphic designer! I charge between £120-£150, which is a lot...
  2. hfn64

    Darkcoin video

    Someone should take control of this, that's basically the only way you could get this finished.
  3. hfn64

    Darkcoin video

    I am not familiar at all, however I could take some time to get to grips with the concepts. And do you mean static image infographics? I'm good with illustrator/photoshop so yeah I could defo give it a go? If you mean animated infographics, that's a bit more difficult but of course all possible...
  4. hfn64

    Darkcoin video

    I'm glad you're interested! I would really recommend a video series, perhaps. Like 'How to use Darkcoin' 'How to buy and sell Darkcoin' 'How Darkcoin works' 'What is Darkcoin', I imagine that'd be really useful, but of course - it's up to you. All I need to get started is a script. More often...
  5. hfn64

    Darkcoin video

    Yeah if that's what you guys are looking to do, that makes complete sense! The video should definitely be more concise about DRK vs BTC! :)
  6. hfn64

    Darkcoin video

    Interesting stuff! I don't want to sound offensive, but perhaps you replied to the wrong comment? I don't think that your comment is associated with anything I said in my previous reply, so I'm quite confused...
  7. hfn64

    Darkcoin video

    First of all, I had very little say in the content for the script for the LTC video. Secondly, that's what we were going with in the Dogecoin video. Dogecoin felt like it was a newbies introduction into the world of crypto. We were appealing to the average Joe who has no idea about cryptos, most...
  8. hfn64

    Darkcoin video

    Okay yeah it just came off as pretty offensive, perhaps you're too drunk at the moment. I'm just saying, perhaps your line of work differs from what these people are actually looking for. Unless you are physically promoting this video, i.e paying money to google to advertise on youtube, there's...
  9. hfn64

    Darkcoin video

    First of all, thanks a lot. I really appreciate you bitching about stuff I've put a lot of time and effort into. Really cool man. Here's something that might clear a few things up for you. Those videos are not advertisements. They were not created so they could be played for 30 seconds at the...
  10. hfn64

    Darkcoin video

    Yeah of course! The number one thing I see is people adding too much information, for example - The people over at Litecoin were going to dedicate a sentence or two talking about who created litecoin, what their career was, how they have experience etc. To put it bluntly: No one cares about...
  11. hfn64

    Darkcoin video

    My name's Noah, I'm a student, working towards a degree in medicine. In the little spare time that I have I'm either browsing cryptocurrency forums or honing my skills in video production. To try and fund my education I've started selling my services to companies, associations and individuals -...