Recent content by Guillermo Velazco

  1. Guillermo Velazco

    Pre-Proposal: Dash Youth Venezuela - Lectures about DASH in Schools and Universities of Caracas.

    Hello Ronald. You are absolutely right, in venezuela people are looking for a new way of exchanging money, especially younger people, by giving these lectures we will give these people the tools necessary tu use DASH as the new payment method. Thank you for your support!
  2. Guillermo Velazco

    Pre-Proposal: Dash Youth Venezuela - Lectures about DASH in Schools and Universities of Caracas.

    Hello @G.Comparetto I'm Guillermo Velazco from the Dash Youth Venezuela team. Thank you for your message of support! I agree that young people are one of the most important targets Dash can have for a wider adoption, and in doing so helping with the economic crisis Venezuela is having. Cheers.
  3. Guillermo Velazco

    Pre-Proposal on Dash School in Dagbani

    I really like your idea, hope to see more of your proposal. #Dash school club =) Good luck from Venezuela
  4. Guillermo Velazco

    Pre-Proposal: Dash Tour Basketball Competitions And Education Events

    Heey thanks for the quick response. I see there is alot a potential in an event like this so take as much as you can get from it. Good wishes from Venezuela
  5. Guillermo Velazco

    Proposal: World’s First Dash Only Electronic Music Festival

    Thank you very mucho for responding my questions, i can tell how you are prepared to go through with an event like this. Good luck once again, hope i can se your oficial proposal soon
  6. Guillermo Velazco

    Proposal: World’s First Dash Only Electronic Music Festival

    Hey guys! Very nice project looks apeling. An excellent way to study the mass adoption of DASH on a real-life event. People can witness first hand the facility of transaction that the dash network has to offer. I have a few questions that can be helpful. 1.) I was wondering if you have plans...
  7. Guillermo Velazco

    Pre-Proposal: Dash Tour Basketball Competitions And Education Events

    Hey Zakaria! I find your proposal interesting, its very smart way to bring people on board the dash costumes using other interest in common. Although i do have questions and maybe a suggestion. My question is, are you willing to educate people who come to see the games? the audience, and if...
  8. Guillermo Velazco

    Pre-Proposal on Dash School in Dagbani

    hello Sulemana, I think your proposal is very interesting. In my opinion, the best way to expand the Dash system is through education since it's a new technology many people have trouble adapting. Taking this into consideration, I was wondering what is the age range you will be educating? Will...
  9. Guillermo Velazco

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello everyone. I'm Guillermo Velazco from Venezuela. Very excited to become a active member of the Dash community. Looking forward to seeing what future projects dash has for us and hopefully be a part of them. :)
  10. Guillermo Velazco

    Pre-Proposal: DASH Help - Venezuela (Customer Support Center)

    A very interesting proposal that comes at the right time in Venezuela. The general public is ignorant about the whole theme of cryptocurrency, and the ones who do know only relate the subject with bitcoin. But on the other hand, the uprising interest on this type of currency makes people get...