Okay when I click the private key, all three fields are blank. Also on Allnodes there is no information on any keys. The dashboard only has the IP, port, collateral and payee address and also protx hash. I assume clicking the "generate new" on the right of each blank field of the DMT is not...
Allnodes dashboard has the PoSe Score which is checked off fine and no remarks, IP address and port which I filled in the DMT tool and my collateral address, payee address ProTx hash was prefilled in once I clicked the fetch MN data button.
On the top of the DMT tool in green it says: The...
Thanks for the response. My MN is hosted on Allnodes. So I am not using the desktop Dash Core wallet for MN service. I do have the latest version installed 22.0 but only for a wallet service. My collateral is installed on my Ledger Nano S so I am using the DMT tool to update the payout...
Question: I am using Ledger Nano S for my MN collateral and trying to update my payee address. Using DashMasternodeTool_0.9.36, is it safe to generate new private key, operator private key and voting keys?
My status in Enabled in red and I have those three warnings on the bottom of the DMT...
Thank you. This resolved the issue completely and I was able once again, to withdraw my Dash rewards from my previous hosted MN on Allnodes. Once I completed this withdrawal I am now re-hosting my MN again but I specified a non-Ledger address for the rewards.
Hi All,
I did a cursory search but could not find any suitable information on this issue.
I am using a Ledger Nano S, previously hosted my Masternode using Allnodes service.
I can receive fine but cannot send any amount of Dash as I get the following error message:
I am using DMT (v.0.9.36) latest with my Ledger nano-S and trying to update the payee address. I keep getting the following error in DMT:
-1: rpc/evo.cpp:1060 (protx_update_registrar_wrapper) Internal bug detected: 'ptx.pubKeyOperator.IsLegacy() == (ptx.nVersion ==...