Recent content by elmad

  1. E

    Support for X11 mining available in yam M8a miner

    I'm just curious, someone compared performances of yam M8A and miner?
  2. E

    Please Update To v10.14.1 - Masternode Security Update

    Is it possible that a pool or a big miner is using the bug? How works the voting system? This miner pays ever the same fake masternode without 1000 drks XixmyNSGGGXEJEzKghoRnTto5ZVhficSek Here it's evident...
  3. E

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    Thanks for your service. I gave you a trust feedback on bitcointalk, you deserve it :)
  4. E

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    Same thing maybe? :)
  5. E

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    ok, I bear you :D . It was just a thought assuming that you'll not increase the number of masternodes. If the plan is, soon or later, increase that number... I like the idea :) thanks for your service and best regards
  6. E

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    Why increase shares if masternodes remains 45? It' like you are acting as a bank and not as a service for the exceedings shares. I propose to set a max of shares. I agree that some exceeding share is useful, because in the case some share holder go out you have to not shutdown any masternode. I...
  7. E

    Report of C-CEX situation with DRK because of feb, 23 accident.

    This is not true. You froze drks bought on your exchange after the 23 Feb accident. I registered an account after 23 febraruary accident, giving you trust. But you froze anyway my drk balance. So, what prevent you to do the same? Why trust you again?
  8. E

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    Vertoe, I dont know if the problem it's with the start time, but now, at moment of the payment, there are 25.7114107 drks in the masternodes, but the payout was 20.10714107 . Is it an error or am I...
  9. E

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    Just to understand, what is the 0.1 payment to this address in the transaction?
  10. E

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    Got my first payment :) . It seems correct to me. May you add in the spreadsheet the UTC time of start and end of the shift? With numbers of shares for that shift and name of participants? Maybe for a week and then restart, dont know, just an idea. :) I was able to check just because I...
  11. E

    [CLOSED] Masternode shares with automated payouts.

    I could be interested but need more info. If one day I need my darkcoins back how can I exit?
  12. E

    CPU mining with Ubuntu (linux) and darkcoin cpuminer 1.3-avx-aes

    You dont need to use sudo. Just work on a folder in your home folder and dont need superuser permissions. I edited your guide in the quote :) . P.S. I had to remove the link because I have no permissions to post.