Recent content by djcrypto

  1. djcrypto

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    Ignorant posts like this drive people to not give your considerable efforts more credit. Having a functional logo that accomplishes many tasks and enables growth takes more than a 5 minute sketch in gimp. However, I wouldn't expect you to understand after taking a glance at your avatar. Watch...
  2. djcrypto

    Launching DASH into Africa on the continent’s fastest growing broadcast platform Kwesé TV.

    I like this but need more info and proof on viewership of the associated platforms.
  3. djcrypto

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    @alex-ru can you comment on the compatibility with the T&C logo into the Russian symbology/ language?
  4. djcrypto

    Pre-Proposal: DASH MERCHANT VENEZUELA - MASSIVE ADOPTION PROGRAM (2000 merchants in 3 months)

    Dashop is looking forward to on-boarding and integrating the Venezuelan merchants into the nueva economía Dash!
  5. djcrypto

    First Dash-friendly pilot city - Argentina

    Hi thanks for bringing us this idea. Few questions: What crypto exchange(s) is there available to Argentinians? Are there any merchants which accept crypto in Rio Tercero? What are the regulations in Argentina with regards to Dash?
  6. djcrypto

    How to onboard 300,000 new users in one geographic location

    I think you're in the right place. Also, I think you may be surprised if you tell merchants that you are giving away $1.2M in Dash and they can have access to that market if they sign up, they might just sign up ahead of time. It is more important to train merchants prior to users, in my...
  7. djcrypto


    I've been over this with @rotc to reduce any excessive expenses. People have to recognize that this isn't just hiring a few ambassadors or making a few meetups. This is making big moves to sponsor a major conference, on-board users, merchants, schools and train ambassadors in 7 countries in...
  8. djcrypto

    How to onboard 300,000 new users in one geographic location

    I like this concept but will only support it if you direct people to use getfreedash, focus more on business adoption and kill the currency exchange. Thats an easy way to get shutdown, which would be regretful. On-boarding: How are you going to onboard 1,000 people per day with 40 desks and one...
  9. djcrypto

    How Does Proposal Fee Work?

    Hi Mark, The 5 Dash is the fee to submit a proposal. It is then "burned" out of existence from the total supply of coins. Proposal owners then ask for that 5 Dash back should their proposal be successful. So your total amount requested would be X+5. Regards
  10. djcrypto

    Pre-Proposal: We Are Change!

    Don't worry bout this guy - he was also negative about Ben Swann's proposal and any "controversial" subject matter. Most reasonable people know 9/11 is fishy at the least. In fact your 9/11 video woke me up and helped bring me to Dash, so thanks. I just checked the Dash price and we are not...
  11. djcrypto

    Partnership With The Free Thought Project to Bring DASH to Millions

    Thanks for bringing us this opportunity, Matt. I would vote Yes on this for up to a 3 month contract as a trial period. Cheers
  12. djcrypto

    Dash Presence at "Talent Land México". A 30k attendees Tech & Business convention.

    Thank you for bringing this opportunity to Dash Nation, @corrorro ! Excellent breakdown and presentation. This would be money well-spent, as it was in Anarchapulco.
  13. djcrypto

    Pre-Proposal: Primetime TV Fox Sports Sponsorship - 40 Million Reach

    Yes this is the whole package including the commercial's production and cut ready for deployment to TV at any time. Hi @Stealth923 Yes I will get a breakdown for the proposal. Getting quotes and budget for all of this together. Just gauging interest on whether this is something the community...
  14. djcrypto

    Pre-Proposal: Primetime TV Fox Sports Sponsorship - 40 Million Reach

    Due to the outstanding success of the Rory MacDonald sponsorship and the millions of positive impressions generated for Dash, Instantkarmafund has been approached to present a sponsorship opportunity for Dash to be the main sponsor of the 10th Annual World MMA Awards - a red carpet event with...
  15. djcrypto

    Dash is going viral in venezuela -crossed 100,000+ signups, need your Support ,Urgent

    I agree. Put in the funding to get this done right and made open source so it can be a tool for all developing countries to create a Dash economy.