Im a car enthusiast that loves technology. I have been modifying car since I was 16 years old. I wanted to become and engineer after 4 years of architecture and engineer, but funds for schooling were not in my Favor. So I went to a tech school to become a vehicle technician, that career was short-lived. I reinvented myself can became a field technician for a few large telecommunication companies, but also maintained my love for cars and the community. My career and family life soon became a large portion of my time and cars had to take a back burner. I worked hard and received many accolades and accolades led to promotion from field tech, to lead tech, to lead trainer. During this time I still maintained a close relationship with a few great guys within the car community. In 2011 i saw an article about bitcoin and I wanted to invest, but there were too many issues with exchanges and storage so i just watched the price for a few months and never pulled the trigger on investing. A few years later a co-worker reminded me of bitcoin and asked do you know anything about Ethereum lol. I told me ill check it and let him know if it's something worth investing. One thing lead to another and I was mining ETH with four rigs and was building one for a friend in exchange for BTC and using BTC to buy the equipment. Digital currency became a new exciting "car" like thing for me to do. Both the car community and the crypto community are very similar and I fit right in like a glove. I found myself on cryptocompare forums every day and I even started taking classes on trading crypto. Then the DAO collapse had, thank god I didn't have much in DAO tokens, I just sold them all and went on with my day. It was very eye opening how fast something meant to be good can become easily foiled by a small few. I then start to do some research on DASH late November, just watching like I did with bitcoin in 2011. Then a great thing happened, a friend of my wife was talking a euro trip and asked if digital currency would work well during her trip. So a spent some time with her over a few skype calls to explain what cryptocurrencies are and why it was created, the pro/cons of thing and etc. It was mainly about bitcoin but that changed because I found a video about DASH school by Amanda B Johnson. Lights camera action, someone finally doing it right. I was a lot of long nights watching a video of Amanda and Pete's content of great education. Soon my wife's friend was ready to buy some DASH to plan her trip but there was a family issue and things were delayed. A very close friend asked me a simple question "If you could start a youtube channel what would it be" and the answer was "My passion for Digital Currency and Cars named DASH-GARAGE" A channel where I can educate the car community about digital currency and my favorite one DASH.
- Birthday
Oct 10, 1986
(Age: 38)
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