Recent content by dance

  1. D

    Super exited about the Dash Roadmap 2021

    I am so exited about the Roadmap for Dash 2021! !!! Especially the buy and swap Dash feature, everybody should try out the Dashpay testnet on android / google play. it is amazing.. lets do this!
  2. D

    Dash Lite Fork

    I do think you have some valid concerns, can you please reference the statement by Pasta saying IS only handle 18 tps? I like to investigate it and see if it has been improved. Furthermore I share your opinion on the contact list privacy, hopefully that will be addressed, can you also give a...
  3. D

    Dash Lite Fork

    And how exactly do you intend to make decisions if there is no governance? For good and for bad, Dash has not forked unlike our friend Bitcoin has done multiple times. Governance is one of the key features and one of the best features of Dash.