Recent content by D&D

  1. D

    Is there any way to game the Budget system ?

    See, this is what I am talking about. The sheer beauty of it all. NO ONE knows what to do and where to go. CHAOS at its ultimate being. What to do? The world is our oyster. We just came out of the cryto currency womb. How fantastic is that. Which way to walk to talk to be. A fresh slate...
  2. D

    Budget System v2 / Transform PR

    ^ this guy gets it. There is nothing right now to relate to the public. At all. I fear the bus has long since left. - nice wallet - instant transactions - anonymized transactions - voting The only thing going for DASH right now is the yield on your investment in a Master Node. As I...
  3. D

    Transform PR project closure report

    Not surprising. Again from an outsider looking in, all I have ever seen every time checking in here, is a lathargic, morose, nay-sayering, woe be me, doomsday, cannot be done, defeatist, miserable, unenthusiastic, sad sack, elitist, profound propagandist, beneath me. Attitude. Yes. And...
  4. D

    Transform PR project closure report

    I'm back! :smile: Here's a novel idea: Crowd Source the marketing finance. 1. Where do the funds come from currently that everyone is voting on / about? 2. I wouldn't blink it donating USD100 in Dash to a coffer set up specifically for marketing purposes. I'd blink twice at donating USD500 in...
  5. D

    Transform PR project closure report

    Last 2 cents before I depart this fine forum. And I actually cringe to bring it up. Background: active participant in bringing down Josh Garza and his Gaw Miner scam operation. Intimately familiar inside and outside of their entire sordid operation. One thing that stood out which I just have...
  6. D

    Voting, PR, Marketing, Budgets: Outsider's View

    Thanks very much guys, your helpful replies are most appreciated. I will definitely look into it all further.
  7. D

    Voting, PR, Marketing, Budgets: Outsider's View

    I would suggest that it is unhelpful smart-alec responses like this that causes the rates of voting to never increase. As I clearly said my MN's are hosted. I have them hosted because I don't have the time or interest to fiddle with code any more. A simple straightforward question is posed: if...
  8. D

    Voting, PR, Marketing, Budgets: Outsider's View

    Hi, Couple questions - suggestions. 1. I own 30 MN's that are hosted. I am not actively involved in any of the activities related to DASH here or elsewhere other than checking up once in a while to see how things are going. 2. In the case of voting, if I input that voting string into the...
  9. D

    Budget Proposal - Vendor-Experience UPDATED

    Here's a quick cute marketing idea in the same vein. "Dine and Dash" a/k/a "eat and run" is about as old as the hills as it can get. Ordering food, eating it, getting up and sprinting out of the restaurant. In this case: "Dine n Dash" where half the idea is true, eat and run but pay for it...