Recent content by cryptodealer

  1. C

    PinIdea ASIC X11 Miner DU-1 (USB Version Hashrate 9 MH/s , Releasing in Mid-May 2016)

    thanks for clarifying man! that explains why they went dead silent.
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    New iBeLink 10.8 GH/s X11 miner

    i'm not worried, blame Baikal, they were the ones who mercilessly dumped on previous iBelink customers with all their hashrate. When iBelink released their miners they allowed their customers to ROI before releasing next batch but Baikal just barged in and broke those profits. It's payback time...
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    New iBeLink 10.8 GH/s X11 miner

    they are using community to put in upfront money needed to secure 100 units. the crooks are getting them at 5k a piece while fleecing others with 1750 profit per unit. So they kill 2 birds with one stone. Secure the deal without risking huge capital and fck everyone over with charging others...
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    New iBeLink 10.8 GH/s X11 miner

    there you go folks. first batch is going to be 10 TH alone, thats 3x current network hashrate. Afterwards we are going to be adding 2 more batches so that's 20 TH more before year ends.. Anyone knows how to estimate difficulty? Suddenly these money makers aren't starting to look as promising as...
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    New iBeLink 10.8 GH/s X11 miner

    Well dash price is fuelling ASIC race for sure. And i'm sure Baikal is not going to sit idle to let opportunity like this to pass by when they could be making a shitload of money by selling 1000s. Difficulty is going to double so invest accordingly.
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    New iBeLink 10.8 GH/s X11 miner

    Wow difficulty is going to go nuclear. My condolences to poor souls who bought overpriced baikals.
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    Baikal New miner Giant-A900 Now open for sale

    so why should someone pay you 3k USD for something that barely produces USD 8? is there a proper explanation other than plain rip off?
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    Baikal New miner Giant-A900 Now open for sale

    Baikal why didn't do your best and just release a 900 gigaherz miner and take all the dash market to yourself?
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    X11/ X13/ X14/ X15/ Quark / Qubit Miner Baikal 600Mh/s 160W for sales (2pcs)

    can you justify your price? you expect people to pay 2300 euros for the overpriced gear from baikal that pays only 4 to 5 usd a day?
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    iBeLink™ DM384M ASIC Dash Miner Support Thread

    i don't think iBelink is up to game now or even cares about their past customers.. Baikal won X11 market and no one has the balls to challenge them. i'm out of this stupid game with huge losses. For one thing i gotta admire Baikal for their superb engineering skills at owning this market.
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    iBeLink™ DM384M ASIC Dash Miner Support Thread

    Hello iBelink, have you had a chance to take a look into Zcash algo? it seems they are using Blake which is part of X11.. Is it possible that ibelink could be modified to mine that zcash algo?
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    iBeLink™ DM384M ASIC Dash Miner Support Thread

    sad to hear another fellow miner coming to this decision point. i think a lot of us ibelink buyers are at similar crossroads whether to continue or just sell off. i guess its what baikal's intention has been all along and that is to murder all the existing ibelink miners due to power efficiency...
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    iBeLink™ DM384M ASIC Dash Miner

    exactly.. i think ibelink is just going to throw away money trying to invest building new gear for such a small market like dash. there's much more money to be made in ethereum now that ethereum classic devs plan to diffuse difficulty bomb and keep the chain in pow+pos hybrid mode.
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    iBeLink™ DM384M ASIC Dash Miner

    well i was referring to their mining farms that were funded by overpriced gear they sold to their own customers so that they could screw them again. they are controlling most of the hash rate on the network due to low power consumption obviously. They have the capability to reduce that hashrate...