Recent content by Crypto Rob

  1. Crypto Rob

    Pre-Proposal Poker/Twitch/Ambassador

    Thanks GrandmasterDash, appreciate your input. Why do you think I should go smaller if their is a third party like greencandle? Do you think breaking it up into 2x 6 month proposals or 3x 4 month proposal would be better? My concern in breaking it up into small proposals is 1) I'd constantly be...
  2. Crypto Rob

    Pre-Proposal Poker/Twitch/Ambassador

    Thanks Ftoole, Greencandle seems like a great option for this sort of proposal.Does Greencandle hold funds in USD or in Dash? Curious because when I originally wrote this Dash was $900. The goal would be to have 20k USD per months for the project. I am not sure what milestones could be...
  3. Crypto Rob

    Pre-Proposal Poker/Twitch/Ambassador

    Thanks for your input Froole, I understand why this is something where people may want it in 2-3 months increments or to use an escrow service. I am not 100% familiar with how operates but if they just hold and release on specific dates I wouldnt object at all. The reason I...
  4. Crypto Rob

    Pre-proposal: Airline In-flight media campaign

    Nice video! Are these airing on all of their flights? Domestic? International?
  5. Crypto Rob

    Pre-proposal: Airline In-flight media campaign

    Congratulations that is great news. Are we able see the campaign?
  6. Crypto Rob

    Spammers found their way in

    Was this written by a robot?
  7. Crypto Rob

    DASH Logo

    See I don't like this. Dash is a GLOBAL currency. As an american Dash needs no flags
  8. Crypto Rob

    DASH Logo

    Their is a difference between logo and branding. I don't expect the logo to change much if at all. The brand messaging may change slightly but I'd expect logo and "digital cash" to remain
  9. Crypto Rob

    Project Announcement: DASH for sports betting business in Peru

    Awesome, hey I didn't mention it before but if you need any beta testers of software or anything let me know - plenty of online BJ experience
  10. Crypto Rob

    Dash Poker

    Signed up but no one is sitting at a table? Does this room ever see traffic?
  11. Crypto Rob

    Move your BTC to Dash or another useful currency.

    All over it. Transferred my BTC to Dash on the downswing of 16500. We got to low of 580 yesterday. Nice recovery!
  12. Crypto Rob

    Project Announcement: DASH for sports betting business in Peru

    Hi Warriors, Love this idea and think its great. As someone that learned about crypto through poker I think this is a great avenue. I have an idea for a proposal in a similar space that I am thinking of putting together. Might message you for your input. Hope to learn more about this soon!
  13. Crypto Rob

    what exactly is IOTA partnership about , why cant we do it ?

    That is absolutely nuts if MIT reported it and they didn't listen.
  14. Crypto Rob

    Paying merchants to accept Dash

    No I wouldn't give merchants money for accepting Dash yet. This is a slow process and you are not going to change consumers buying habit or merchants overnight. Get consumers interested. Give them a wallet so they understand the tech first. Slow and steady