Recent content by coachboom

  1. coachboom

    help me with this apparently missing transaction

    Well I guess that's the answer...endure it. Can't be traced.
  2. coachboom

    help me with this apparently missing transaction

    I am a complete noob with this stuff...but mining on dash p2pool for a few days now and we found several blocks - yet I did not get paid on one of them. I find my address in the list and an amount that should have been transferred. All amounts for the blocks before and after are there...but...
  3. coachboom

    What is the best mining pool for lots of hashing power?

    I have one D3 on granatgas (x11, paid in LTC) made about US$15 (LTC 0.272) in 24 hours. I too am looking for comparison numbers so here is mine to contribute.