Recent content by Blend43

  1. Blend43

    Pre-Proposal: Point of Sale solution to accept Dash

    CBA's Albert is pretty impressive. When it first came out, my first thought was they got around crypto competition by introducing a product with big advertising dollars. Instant transactions are big ticket in Australia but so is paying a fee that we accept blindly. A Point of sale device for...
  2. Blend43

    Trailer for Unreleased TV Drama Highlights Digital Currency’s Seedier Side

    Love it, it's not just the start of crime but of commerce (just like cash) This should be good
  3. Blend43

    Dash World: Marketing Audit, Progress & Road-map

    Now where talking, transparency and consultation
  4. Blend43

    Happy Birthday Evan

    Happy BD Evan
  5. Blend43

    The Daily Decrypt & TheDashGuy

    Surely she could squeeze in a weekly show?
  6. Blend43

    Does Dash tends to value?

    I think so. When BTC drops to $100 and Dash increases to $100. A masternode would cost $100k
  7. Blend43

    DASH Plunge Protection Team

    I love the conspiracy theory. I'd say it was someone sitting on the fence waiting for the right time to buy and when they did the price corrected. A neat little way to make some extra coin
  8. Blend43

    Amanda billyrock

    Gotta luv her hat
  9. Blend43

    What or who decides the value of dash

    The miners!
  10. Blend43

    When is the next BTC price drop by 10%?

    My prediction is in the next 2 - 4 weeks
  11. Blend43

    Bitcoin Ban by Australian Banks to be investigated by ACCC

    As again in Australia, ACCC will investiagte and their recommendation will mead diddly squat to the banks.
  12. Blend43

    Shapeshifts new function is cool ! "coincap"

    :grin:Sweet, coinmarketcap and shapeshift combined