Recent content by Blajde

  1. B

    What's Going on at Dash?

    Not saying it is for the pump. But failing to be hot in the crypto world is somewhat also dangerous. And riding the boom a little bit will create larger budget for the project to develop.
  2. B

    What's Going on at Dash?

    Bumping this thread. It has been additional two weeks now since last post. If crypto is taking its seasonal summer party outbreak will dash be there with some announcement to follow the boom? How is evolution coming and were are the updates? (or did I just miss them?)
  3. B

    Masternode Questions

    Didn't find much, could you direct me please? Also the idea was with one owner / masternode. A big entry price is then nullified in function since masternode share services arrived.
  4. B

    Masternode Questions

    In the begining the 1000 DASH was set as an incentive that it should be costly at that point in time to invest in. You could snatch a Masternode for the price of 1000$ give or take a few dollars. Price has gone up well over 750 times now and relatively the price for investing in a node nowdays...
  5. B

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello guys! I have been a long time supporter of dash (sub 1$) and I had a masternode running but was forced to liquidate at 12$ one month before 150$. I have been supporting dash many-many years long term. Does anyone know a way to turn back time please let me know. I have been dabbing with...