Recent content by blackempress

  1. blackempress

    Excoin - Continuous proof of reserves, real-time UI, robust trading API

    Excoin is an innovative cryptocurrency exchange, we only select coins that we feel have made a large impact in the overall cryptocurrency community. For more information on our process please read: Excoin features Continuous proof of reserves and signed message and...
  2. blackempress

    Successfully recovered private keys from corrupted wallet

    I was able to recover my private keys by reverse engineering the wallet and using a custom scalpel config to pull every instance off my hard drives. I then wrote a script to chop out the private keys put them in an array, convert the hex versions to each kind of of public key (compressed and not...
  3. blackempress

    RC3 Soft Fork

    I was able to recover my private keys by reverse engineering the wallet and using a custom scalpel config to pull every instance off my hard drives. I then wrote a script to chop out the private keys put them in an array, convert the hex versions to each kind of of public key (compressed and not...
  4. blackempress

    Corrupt Masternode Walet after RC3 soft fork

    I'm not sure what caused it yet, I'm still talking to Evan about trying to find the core dumps. I'm still going through the logs and trying to figure out what happened, and why the new address didn't write anything to the wallet file and why my old wallet file had 0's written over it. I did the...
  5. blackempress

    Corrupt Masternode Walet after RC3 soft fork

    I'll read into this more, this may be getting closer to what is going on.
  6. blackempress

    Corrupt Masternode Walet after RC3 soft fork

    I tried loading an older wallet file I was using for software I'm building with the new bitcoind. After closing it out and attempting to open it, it is now it is also corrupted in the same way. All zeroes and is the same file size as the one I sent 1k DRK too. Something very weird is going on, I...
  7. blackempress

    Corrupt Masternode Walet after RC3 soft fork

    I grabbed the swap too, I went through the physical memory and didn't find anything useful. Hopefully I will have better luck in the swap. Perhaps if evan gets back to me he can least give me an idea if it would be possible to recover.
  8. blackempress

    Corrupt Masternode Walet after RC3 soft fork

    The darkcoin instance is definitely shut down by now, I have dd'd my mem in the hopes I might be able to find it in there but I can't think of anything else to do.
  9. blackempress

    Corrupt Masternode Walet after RC3 soft fork

    So the private key would have only been in my ram and never written to the disk?
  10. blackempress

    Corrupt Masternode Walet after RC3 soft fork

    I'm not saying you are incorrect but I have never had this issue arise any other time.
  11. blackempress

    Corrupt Masternode Walet after RC3 soft fork

    Just because I didn't run nodes on the test net does not mean I was not participating in other ways. Also first to report such a phenomena does not mean I'm the only one, the wallet could have been corrupting in other situations but no one reported it because they didn't lose coins.
  12. blackempress

    Corrupt Masternode Walet after RC3 soft fork

    I had it running in a terminal with printtoconsole=1 in the conf file.
  13. blackempress

    Corrupt Masternode Walet after RC3 soft fork

    Also when I first loaded the new soft fork I did this: ./darkcoind masternode list And got an empty hash { }
  14. blackempress

    Corrupt Masternode Walet after RC3 soft fork

    Yes, I shut down the daemon using CTRL+C, backed up the wallet and tried to kick it back on when I received the failed message. I guess this could be where the problem occurred.
  15. blackempress

    Corrupt Masternode Walet after RC3 soft fork

    You are not on topic and are just making the community look bad, I recommend if you care about the community you should refrain from posting.