Dash is going viral in venezuela -crossed 100,000+ signups, need your Support ,Urgent

how much dash shoud we ask for Getfreedash per month ?

  • 50 dash per month

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • 75 dash

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • 100 dash

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • 150+ dash

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • 500+ dash :)

    Votes: 20 52.6%

  • Total voters
Daily Sign ups stats


Site was down Jan 14-28 for various upgrades
Site was down Feb 8 for few hours for upgrades

Screen Shot 2018-02-09 at 13.06.26.png

Thanks guys for your support , Dashers :)


  • upload_2018-2-9_13-5-15.png
    45.6 KB · Views: 249
Omg , you made my day ... That's exactly what I intended should happen with getfreedash :)

I am so happy to hear this ... I will put more of own money if I can hear more of these stories ... Next time get some pictures taken so we can get more excited....
Omg , you made my day ... That's exactly what I intended should happen with getfreedash :)

I am so happy to hear this ... I will put more of own money if I can hear more of these stories ... Next time get some pictures taken so we can get more excited....

It s a deal, i will try to go the next week and take a picture.

I think that it would be a great incentiving people at food store to invite people to join getfreedash (Download Wallet and sign up ) and people have free breakfast ! a normal Venezuelan breakfast it is around 0.25$
It s a deal, i will try to go the next week and take a picture.

I think that it would be a great incentiving people at food store to invite people to join getfreedash (Download Wallet and sign up ) and people have free breakfast ! a normal Venezuelan breakfast it is around 0.25$
Awesome , take some pics and post them , btw contact me privately for the sign up issues ..
Omg , you made my day ... That's exactly what I intended should happen with getfreedash :)

I am so happy to hear this ... I will put more of own money if I can hear more of these stories ... Next time get some pictures taken so we can get more excited....

Dude it would be great if you set up the minimal withdraw to 0.5, exactly how it was before, people can get the money in a few hours and spend it.

most of the people dont refferer people because they need know more about dash and cryptocurrency, if they have to reffer to withdraw only people that know cryptocurrency is gonna use getfreedash,it would be great if u give the oportunity to venezuelan people to spend the 0.5$ in a thing, subway or food exactly how it was.
yes thats exactly what i was going to do right now , give me few minutes , i quite excited by the news you gave ,we don't mind spending more money for sake of Venezuelan people from dash :)
yes thats exactly what i was going to do right now , give me few minutes , i quite excited by the news you gave ,we don't mind spending more money for sake of Venezuelan people from dash :)

Great! dont forget post any news or updates ! if can support in something at Caracas just say me
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Today i saw a grocery store in Caracas accepting dash, there were people signing up into getfreedash to recieve the reward and have breakfast WITH THAT MONEY !!!!!

What is the name of this grocery store? From where this grocery store gets its supplies? Could you please ask this to the grocery store? The dash community should offer incentives to the suppliers of this grocery store, in order for them to accept dash too.

For the economy circle to close, the supplier of the grocery store should accept dash too. If the supplier of the grocery store is a farmer, he will receive the dash from the grocery store and give it to the workers of his farm, who in turn will use their dash salary to buy again from the grocery store. That way the circle is enclosed, and dash becomes real money.

I have to work and do some blockchain analytics, in order to discover how the (offered by @Dashmaximalist) dash is dispersed. What percentage of the dash is exchanged to other coins, and what percentage of the dash follows a closed money circle.
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Could you provide the actual numbers please?
Turns out the forecast I did based on the numbers until 5 feb lags behind one day more or less.
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yes , catching fraudsters is the no 1 priority , just having a sim card verification is enough for venezuela ,but we went ahead to get a selfie as well to stop any potential fraud.

we are planning to implement liveness detection( if we get funded) which will eliminate fraud almost completely.

I think that asking random questions (from a big database) and implementing voice biometrics is much more safe than using face biometrics.
Anyway, I am against any kind of biometrics, as long as I am an anonymity advocate. Please do not include any kind of biomerics in your proposal. Using the power that money gives you , you should better organize and fund proof of individuality cryptoparties, that unite people together and create a strong community feeling.

I would like to organize cryptoparties myself, but I want these cryptoparties to be organized as a consequence of pure faith. I am an anti-authoritarian, I detest power, money gives you power, so I detest money also. But as a consequence of my belief I have not the necessary money myself to financially incentivize people in order for them to participate into cryptoparties. But I support and encourage whoever rich/powerful person wants to use his power/money in order to fund cryptomeetings, for the people who are ignorants or they lack cryptofaith.


I dont know the statistics, whether the anonymity advocates are more than the biometrics advocates , among the masternodes owners. But you should take this into account, because including the biometrics issue in your proposal this may (or may not) cause more down votes than up votes. If you want to be sure you should ask a governance question to the masternodes, asking them what their core values are. But governace questions are expensive because stupids and spies bought masternodes in order to stop governance. On the other hand the stupid, and the spies even more, are anonymity advocates, arent they? :p:D
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@demo i run getfreedash for two main purposes and i need to as efficient with money and time as possible ( capitalism ) without forcing anyone to do anything ( libertarianism ) ,
The TWO main motivations are:
Improve the lives of venezuelans and people in other developing countries by teaching the tools to financial freedom by introducing them to cryptocurrency
Improve network of dash by bringing as many people as possible
I am not interested in never ending discussions on privacy as it doesn't matter to the people that we target , having said that we could destroy all their data once we are sure we achieved our objectives.
here are the payment stats and addresses ( its not fully updated , will fix it by weekend )


Export the above file into a csv and rename it to venez.csv

then run the below code
for line in `tail -n +2 venez.csv|sed -e s/" "/_/g` ;
addr=`echo $line|cut -f3 -d","`
echo `./dash-cli -datadir=/home/src/.dashcore- getaddressbalance "{\"addresses\": [\""$addr"\"]}"|grep balance|cut -f2 -d":"|cut -f1 -d","`,`echo $line|cut -f5 -d","`,$addr,`echo $line|cut -f1 -d","`

So you can see who already spend the money you gave him, and who didnt.

More statistics are coming. I am trying now to create a table with the most popular merchant/exchange addresses where the dash end up.
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Based on the numbers provided above I did a forecast with google sheets.
Not restricted by scaling issues or funds Dashmaximalist would theoretically reach every venezuelan in 14 days(Signups are quintupling every 2-3 days(yes humans are bad at comprehending exponential growth))

Given the S-Curve and about 60%internet penetration in venezuela (https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-net/2017/venezuela) this growth rate is expected to slow down after reaching 9 million venezuelans.
Google Trends paints a similar picture: https://trends.google.de/trends/explore?q=getfreedash

This might seem crazy but this could bring dash to massadoption in venezuela very quickly, given enough funds.
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Great! dont forget post any news or updates ! if can support in something at Caracas just say me

Hello Javier, i saw that you are a new member and you are willing to help in this proposal. Im from Caracas too and we have a great Dash community here.

Escribeme al correo y podemos conversar acerca de posibles alianzas y trabajos para seguir impulsando a Dash. Saludos