missing Dash after upgrade 12.1 w/out copying old software to new folder

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I upgraded the 12.1 today without copying old software to different folder. I didn't know about any prior prep to upgrade this software. So after upgrading to 12.1 my Dash and 3 hours later all my transactions are missing.

How do I fix this? Do a system restore, hope I get lucky and start over the "instructed" way? I did back-up the simple wallet back-up from the "File" selection prior to upgrade. Thanks
Looks like you've not copied your old wallet to the new folder. If you did no transactions within new 12.1 copy, try trashing moving it elsewhere and do the upgrade per instruction.
But since I didn't copy old software to another folder...wouldn't the upgrade copy over my older software? So i have no previous software to try another upgrade, right? Unless I can do a system restore to get my old software back...should I just try a system restore? thanks
But since I didn't copy old software to another folder...wouldn't the upgrade copy over my older software? So i have no previous software to try another upgrade, right? Unless I can do a system restore to get my old software back...should I just try a system restore? thanks

Is your new version up to date, (no progress bar at the bottom)? If it is there's just a file to copy over, your wallet file.

EDIT: The name of the Dash data directory (ie. blockchain, wallet etc.) to avoid clashing with other applications. The data directory can be moved and edited to allow for changes between versions but if the new location is up to date it's simple to move only the wallet.
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Yes Stan, it's up to date...where do I copy the wallet file to..I have 2 dir folders Dash and Dashcore on my C: drive? And do I copy the file in the doc folder? thanks
Is your new version up to date, (no progress bar at the bottom)? If it is there's just a file to copy over, your wallet file.

Yes Stan, it's up to date...where do I copy the wallet file to..I have 2 dir folders Dash and Dashcore on my C: drive? And do I copy the file in the doc folder? thanks
Dash is the old one, Dashcore is the new one. Stop the app, copy over the wallet.dat file (the newly generated wallet in Dashcorecan be be overwritten) and restart.

EDIT: It will take a while to get re-synced after changing wallets. And backups, can never have too many of them.
Dash is the old one, Dashcore is the new one. Stop the app, copy over the wallet.dat file (the newly generated wallet in Dashcorecan be be overwritten) and restart.

EDIT: It will take a while to get re-synced after changing wallets. And backups, can never have too many of them.

I don't see a new wallet.dat file in the new Dashcore/doc , but i havn't made any new trans.yet...Problem is the new update copied over my old software files...my last back-up wallet on my harddrive is called dashback.dat....that prob won't work copying that file over. I'm probably just going to try a system restore. and hope i get my old software back and copy it to another folder like instructed and start again. thanks
I don't see a new wallet.dat file in the new Dashcore/doc , but i havn't made any new trans.yet...Problem is the new update copied over my old software files...my last back-up wallet on my harddrive is called dashback.dat....that prob won't work copying that file over. I'm probably just going to try a system restore. and hope i get my old software back and copy it to another folder like instructed and start again. thanks

No need to restore, the wallet.dat file goes in Dashcore, not Dashcore/doc.

EDIT: Window isn't my thing but if you're in the right folder then a wallet.dat file should be in there already, when the app starts it will create one if it doesn't find one. You're sure you're checking in the user data directory and not the application executable directory?

EDIT2: Btw, if mixing or if a lot of new addresses are used then backups can go stale, a wallet only has 1000 new addresses and if it needs more it has to generate them and they're generated randomly.
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No need to restore, the wallet.dat file goes in Dashcore, not Dashcore/doc.

EDIT: Window isn't my thing but if you're in the right folder then a wallet.dat file should be in there already, when the app starts it will create one if it doesn't find one. You're sure you're checking in the user data directory and not the application executable directory?

Stan, there is no wallet.date in new Dashcore and my back-up file before I updated is named dashback.dat which I think is weird since there is no restore feature on the software itself. It has back-up feature, but saves wallet.dat to dashback.dat in backup folder. So i'm kinda screwed unless i can restore my old version back....I cannot believe that I'm the only person that will go thru this mess. Thanks for all your replies. I'm going to try restore my old software back.
Yes Stan, it's up to date...where do I copy the wallet file to..I have 2 dir folders Dash and Dashcore on my C: drive? And do I copy the file in the doc folder? thanks

Do you have a directory named C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Dash ?
And also a directory named C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\DashCore ?

If so, just copy wallet.dat from Dash into DashCore, and you should all good.

Edit: backups of that original wallet.dat will be located in C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Dash\backups
Do you have a directory named C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Dash ?
And also a directory named C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\DashCore ?

If so, just copy wallet.dat from Dash into DashCore, and you should all good.

Edit: backups of that original wallet.dat will be located in C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Dash\backups
No, but thanks. I've already started system restore before update.
Let us know if that works. Lol,that damn System Restore - it has never seemed to like me. :mad:
I have my old Dash software back, and all my DASH (whew) and transactions before the 12.1 update. Why Dash doesn't provide a software update without killing off your current data and DASH coins is beyond me. Sigh. I'll do the update gain later, I don't have another 3 hours to kill. semper fi
I have my old Dash software back, and all my DASH (whew) and transactions before the 12.1 update. Why Dash doesn't provide a software update without killing off your current data and DASH coins is beyond me. Sigh. I'll do the update gain later, I don't have another 3 hours to kill. semper fi

Good to hear! Wouldn't hurt to first make a copy of that restored wallet.dat file and put it somewhere safe - the rest of that datadir doesn't matter as long as you have a copy of wallet.dat safely stashed away somewhere.
Update: did my system restore, retrieved my old wallet.dat file...then instead of doing the whole upgrade again and waiting another 3 hours to update the pass 3+ years of data on to the 12.1 version...I just did a "undo" my system restore...then copied over my wallet.dat file to my user/user/DashCore folder...then started (my already up to date) Dash 12.1 software and whaLa all my DASH coins and data was there. phew. Thanks to everyone that responded about the wallet.dat. semper fi
Update: did my system restore, retrieved my old wallet.dat file...then instead of doing the whole upgrade again and waiting another 3 hours to update the pass 3+ years of data on to the 12.1 version...I just did a "undo" my system restore...then copied over my wallet.dat file to my user/user/DashCore folder...then started (my already up to date) Dash 12.1 software and whaLa all my DASH coins and data was there. phew. Thanks to everyone that responded about the wallet.dat. semper fi

That is good to hear, i assume you did a -reindex on the 12.1 software ..

Here is some general info with regards to windows wallets that could be handy for some people :

For the windows wallet you can assign a Dash installation directory in the windows shortcut itself, which can be handy if you want to store the blockchain
to another drive or to another location.

It works as follows :

* Create two new folders, lets use DashCore & DashCoreData as example, which i will place directly in the C drive :


* copy the 12.1 dash-qt.exe into the C:\DashCore folder and make a shortcut to desktop
* copy everything from your old directory (C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Dash), into that new DashCoreData folder (C:\DashCoreData)
* delete the following files in the DashCoreData folder :


Rightclick on the Dash shortcut on your desktop, go to properties and adjust the target as follows :

from -> C:\DashCore\dash-qt.exe
to -> C:\DashCore\dash-qt.exe -datadir=C:\DashCoreData -reindex

Press the Dash shortcut on your desktop to fire up the Dash wallet.

You can now remove the -reindex part from the shortcut, as that is needed only once for this v0.12.0 to v0.12.1 migration :

from -> C:\DashCore\dash-qt.exe -datadir=C:\DashCoreData -reindex
to -> C:\DashCore\dash-qt.exe -datadir=C:\DashCoreData
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yea i really need help in getting my DASH back I have the files but my old QT is now 12.1 all the DASH and transactions have vanished, I am not sure what to do I am on mac osx I do not have time machine set up so i cant go back and restore like the last guy posting. maybe i can recover it on the block chain or is it gone forever it was 13 DASH not to much but i can say i am kind of pissed at the same time. any ideas please
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