December 7, 2018
14 min read

Dash Core Group Is Sustainable

This post is meant to address concerns about Dash Core Group’s viability at these market prices, especially in the wake...

November 30, 2018
3 min read

Bitcoin/Bitcoin Cash Mimic DASH Anonymity Features

Two new wallets have been released, serving users of Bitcoin BTC and Bitcoin Cash BCH. These are Wasabi Wallet 1.0...

November 30, 2018
1 min read

Please be aware of new Scam on Reddit (nonsense MEW kyc)

Please be aware of new Scam on Reddit (nonsense MEW kyc)

November 30, 2018
1 min read

How good are the Passwords you are using ?

How good are the Passwords you are using ? General Safety reminder – Please use strong passwords (change them frequently)...

November 29, 2018
20 min read

Mitigating 51% attacks with LLMQ-based ChainLocks

Mitigating 51% attacks with LLMQ-based ChainLocks The recent controversies observed in other crypto projects have shown that threats of 51%...

November 29, 2018
2 min read

Dash Expands Services to More Merchants with ePaymints Partnership

Dash has partnered with ePaymints, a global merchant account and payments processing solutions provider, “to accelerate adoption of Dash cryptocurrency...

November 29, 2018
1 min read

November 29, 2018
1 min read

Dash Announcing DIP 8 – ChainLocks

We’re excited to announce the release of DIP 8, which details a mechanism for mitigating 51% mining attacks on the...

November 28, 2018
1 min read

We are pleased to announce our new partnership with ePaymints

We are pleased to announce our new partnership with ePaymints, a global merchant account, and payment gateway company whose speciality...

November 27, 2018
8 min read

Dash is not affected by the BitPay Copay attack

Good day everyone ! You might have seen the news on GitHub, Twitter, ZDNet, and various other places on the...

November 27, 2018
1 min read

Dash Watch November Reports

Read Full Report: