January 21, 2019
1 min read

State of Dash 2019 – Ryan Taylor Interview

An interview with Dash Core Group CEO Ryan Taylor looking back on 2018 – and ahead to the year to...

January 18, 2019
2 min read

Happy 5th Birthday Dash!

It has been five years since block 1. Most of us weren’t around at that time, but today is a...

January 18, 2019
2 min read

Celebrating 5 Years of Dash Innovation Today!

Originally published at the Dash Blog. It has been five years since block 1. Most of us weren’t around at...

January 16, 2019
2 min read

Edge Wallet Integrates Bitrefill and Wyre, Competes for Most Useful Dash Wallet

Excerpt of an article by Joël Valenzuela at Dash News The Edge wallet has integrated Bitrefill and Wyre directly into...

January 15, 2019
1 min read

Venezuela’s Currency Crisis Deepens, Can Dash Come to the Rescue?

Once known as the richest country in Latin America because of its large oil reserves, Venezuela is now in the...

January 14, 2019
6 min read

Dash Core v0.13 on Mainnet

Originally published at the Dash Blog. Dash Core Group is pleased to share that Dash Core v0.13.0 binaries are released and...

January 11, 2019
4 min read

Dash Core v0.13 Going to Mainnet Monday 1/14

As a followup to our announcement on January 4th, Dash Core Group is pleased to share that Dash Core v0.13.0...

January 9, 2019
2 min read

When hyperinflation means you cant buy bread or tylenol crypto beckons

Excerpt of an article by Jeff Wilser at Breakermag “Why do I need bitcoin?”I get that question a lot from my...

January 4, 2019
4 min read

Dash Core v0.13.0 Release Preparation

Dash Core Group is pleased to share that the Dash Core v0.13.0 software is tested, finalized, and ready for release....

December 31, 2018
10 min read

Dash Network Elected Trust Protectors: Closing the Governance Loop

Dash Core Group (“DCG”) announced in July 2017 the formation of The Dash DAO Irrevocable Trust, with the intent of...

December 20, 2018
1 min read

Venezuela goes crypto as hyperinflation bites

Venezuela, which is reeling under crippling hyperinflation has pegged its hopes of recovery on its own cryptocurrency – the petro....

December 18, 2018
1 min read

Kriptomobile & Dash Venezuela Use Case

Why we’re doing this — The way we’re doing it — How we’ve done so far — What we’re doing...